Introduction On April 16th 2007 in Blacksburg, VA at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Seung-Hui Cho a senior at the university shot a total of 49 people, killing 32 of them, then proceeded to turn the gun on himself in one of the most disastrous school murder-suicides of all time. One of the most casualty producing school shootings of all time. The damage was the lives of the taken students and the psychological health of those at the university. Within this shooting there were two incidents. The first he had killed two people in a dormitory room, in West Ambler Johnston Hall, a residence housing about 900 students.…
Gun should be allow on college campus because they will offer safety, it 's a constitutional right, and will accustom person to…
Nine states are allowing students and faculty to carry their weapons in a public university because of the Virginia Tech shooting. Other states are creating similar laws, like Georgia which are now allowing allowing residents to bring firearms into bars and restaurants, airports and government buildings (DeBRABANDER). Some states will allow guns to go through the airports, and some states will not even allow sharp objects. There are different laws in different…
Conceal and Carry Conceal and carry is a very touchy subject with many people but. Schools and colleges should allow conceal and carry on campus. But many people think that it is too dangerous. Three reasons they should allow this are, This could cut down on the amount of threats made at the school. The second reason is that this can also help against school shootings.…
On April 16, 2007, college students on the Virginia Tech University campus witnessed the most deadly mass killing by a single student shooter in the United States history. A senior student killed a whopping thirty-two students, along with wounding seventeen others on the university’s campus. Meanwhile, in 2008, five people were killed and twenty-one were injured on Northern Illinois University campus by a former graduate student. These horrific events brought a nationwide debate and controversy on gun legislation, with one main goal in mind-- how to make college campuses safer. On one hand, the Students For Concealed Carry promote permitting concealed carry on a campus setting for a defense and self protection tool.…
“The deadliest school shooting in U.S. history took place April 16th, 2007, when a gun man killed 32 people before killing himself at Virginia Tech, a public University in Blacksburg, Virginia.” ( On top of the 32 deaths that happened on this horrific day in our history, 17 people were wounded but survived. 30 of the deaths were students and 5 were faculty members of the university. Twenty-three year old Seung Hui Cho was heavily “armed with a 9-millimeter handgun, a 22-calliber handgun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition,” ( history/massacre-at- virginia-tech-leaves-32-dead) and opened fire on the university he attended.…
Concealed carry has increased over the past couple years, and crime has fallen. 49 states guarantee that responsible citizens have access to self-defense options, but laws should be crafted to favor the responsible citizens by allowing concealed carry. Over 200 colleges in 6 states have allowed concealed carry without incident. Until the odds are in favor of the victims, allowing concealed carry should be supported on college…
The primary goal for allowing guns on college campuses is that individuals have the means to protect themselves in the case of an active shooter on campus. It has been shown that gun-free zones do not have the intended effect that is wanted and that by having them it is just an invitation for sick people to perform their atrocities and leave innocent victims with no way of defending themselves. (Teeple, Thompson, & Price, 2012) The presence of firearms carried by law abiding citizens has been shown to decrease crime in the area that they were allowed to be.…
Gun Violence on campus has been a recurring issue in the past several years with several instances of the mass shooting like the ones in Arizona state university and on Virginia tech. “.Timothy Wheeler wrote a piece called “There 's a reason they choose schools” which was published On May 1,2007,in the issue of National Review. In this article,Wheeler talks about how there may need to be a need to allow guns on campus so we can better protect ourselves against shooters. Another piece used is the poster “Gone but not forgotten”published by Amy Dion at Northern Illinois university in the UCDA campus violence poster project.…
Mass shootings are tragic and unforeseeable events that have recently sparked much debate on the topic of gun control. In 2015, there have been 21 shootings that have occurred on college campuses, which begs the question: Should we allow concealed weapons on college campuses to reduce the number of violent crimes? The answer to that question is no.…
If guns were allowed on campuses, students would have to live in constant fear of a shooting on campus. For my personal audience, I will write a letter to my friend Haley discussing a survivor’s standpoint on the school shooting that occurred in Umpqua Community College. This will appeal to my friend’s sense of pathos while also raising the point that guns should not be…
You must think of the dangers and potential risks of having guns on college campuses. Crimes such as robberies, stealing cars, and stealing purses are some common things that happen on college campuses. With things like this happening, it could cause a lot of commotion and with guns being involved, it could lead to a serious matter. With all the drawbacks of allowing guns on college campuses, it is important that it be thought about wisely and with great…
From finals to graduate school applications, college can be a stressful place for students. College is the place where teenagers and young adults are supposed to find out who they are, where they belong, and what they want to become in life. The emotions involved with making these tough decisions should not accompanied with the fear of guns being allowed on campus. A once safe haven for students to learn and grow may become the next crime scene for a mass school shooting. Colleges are already stressful and tense and allowing guns on campus will make them even more stressful.…
Guns on Campus The issue being debated claims that gun possession with students and staff on a school campus could either harm or protect innocent people. The debate suggests that either guns should not be allowed on campus at all or there should be limitations on where they would be allowed. There have been some who believe there are instances in different colleges that have had situations that it would have been critical for them to have had a hand gun on them at the time. Amanda Collins argues that because of a state ban on concealed handguns on public college campuses had left her vulnerable to a man who raped her at the University of Nevada at Reno.…
Gun control is a topic that divides the opinions of the United States citizens and creates endless discussions that until now has not reached a conclusion. The United States has faced many mass shootings during the last years making the supporters of gun control want a reform even more. Guns are responsible for over thirty-three thousand deaths in the United States every year. The United States leads the world with more gun-related homicides and suicides than any other country, according to a 2016 study conducted by the American Journal of Medicine. (“Gun Control”).…