Answer the first Questbridge Essay Topic [700-800 words]: “We are interested in learning more about you and the context in which you have grown up, formed your aspirations, and accomplished your academic successes. Please describe the factors and challenges that have most shaped your personal life and aspirations. How have these factors helped you to grow?” How you think you showcase your standout factor: Shows all three of my factors by showing determination and an analytical approach to overcoming my problems and being supportive. Could anyone else write this essay?…
My mother, my cultural background and experiences have helped me put the puzzle pieces together as to who I am and what I will become. They have taught me…
view of life and his life lessons has made me the men I am now. My parents are who I aspire to be one day . Their sacrifices and hard work motivate me to…
There are a couple of obstacles that have played a major role in me becoming who I am today. I've had naysayers trying to negatively influence my thoughts, and crush my dreams by saying that said I will never amount to anything, or that I should give up on my dreams and get realistic with my goals. A couple years ago I was a completely different person. I was out of shape physically, my academic performance was very poor, and I had a terrible attitude. I improved greatly in athletics and my academic career.…
College Essay Growing up in New Haven, Connecticut there weren’t big mansions, people with expensive cars, nor any sign of wealth .It ’s a small city filled with homeless people, violence and poor neighborhoods that made me into the person I am today. A city so small you see the same people everyday.…
If I were to ask you, in this moment, which factors influenced who you are today, what would you choose to answer? Most likely, a lengthy list would come to your mind. Each individual is incredibly unique and different to all others, shaped by many factors in their life. It can impact their perspective on events around them, their sense of morality, the values they hold most important, the list goes on and on. Who a person is and who they will become can be greatly influenced by the external factors that they are exposed to.…
Writing Sample 2: Identity Prompt What would you say if someone asked you to describe you? I am Ali and i believe that there are many things that describe me. If someone asked me to describe myself, I would say the people that are close to me, my education, and my interests. The people that are close to me describe most of who I am.…
I am someone who smiles Someone always telling jokes to make sure no one thinks something is wrong So no one suspects a thing when they see my smile I am someone who fixes the feelings of those whose hearts are shattering like pieces of glass I am someone who loves to dress up and wear makeup so no one sees how truly I am From the bags from staying up at night to the red from crying, both under the concealer Tears behind my eyeshadow-covered eyelids Cracks underneath my red lipstick And the pain within the mouth that contains whitened teeth…
I believe that one aspect of my life that describes who…
He showed us the good in people and helped us try to understand the world we live in. He was a different type of father for Jem and me, but he was the best father we could have asked for. He taught us to care for our family and friends no matter how mad they made us. He taught us right from wrong. We learned so much from him, and I know for a fact I wouldn’t be half the person I am today without his great influence and everything he has taught me.…
"It is so pleasant to be out in this great room and creep around as I please!" "Now why should that man have fainted? But he did, and right across my path by the wall, so that I had to creep over him every time!" Jane is creeping at the end, becoming the women who she has seen out the window and behind the wallpaper. Generally, being on your knees is a sign of submission, and yet Jane creeps over John.…
Judgmental. Stuck up. Hateful. Narcissistic. Is that what people perceive when it comes to my identity?…
In my life, I have been influenced by many of people across the country, but no one has quite influenced me like my dad. Influences do not always have to be of positive value; they can have a negative effect on your life. My dad has always been a part of my life, and he has always been there when I need him the most. My dad has been both my father and my friend. My dad is the most influential person in my life because he always pushes me to do my best no matter what decision I may have; he provides me with the information I need to succeed;he always has a positive outlook on life, no matter what the situation may be.…
As a child, having rules to follow wasn’t unheard of with my family. There was always a way to behavior with friends/family, at school, at home and out in the street. Often I found myself getting into trouble because I didn 't listen and also the fact that I always found some kind of way to slipping out of having to doing something that I knew I was supposed to do. But out of all the people in my family my mom was the strictest. When expectations set high, not meaning them meant my siblings and I typical had a week long cleaning punishments along with handing over all toys, games, and light up sneakers; about three times a week this happened to me.…
Something that inspires me is respect because my dad really teaches me a lot of respect and i want to get better at having more respect so that's what i will be working on this year. Respect means a lot to people because people that have respect are good people and are going to do good things in their lives. I look up to my dad because my dad has been there since day one he has taught me many thing like how to be a man but most of all he teaches me how to be respectful. Respect is going to get you many places because if you don't have respect it is not going to get you that far in life. If you want respect then you need to treat others with respect to because it is the right thing to do.…