What Are The Factors And Challenges That Shape Your Personal Life And Aspirations?

Improved Essays
Answer the first Questbridge Essay Topic [700-800 words]: “We are interested in learning more about you and the context in which you have grown up, formed your aspirations, and accomplished your academic successes. Please describe the factors and challenges that have most shaped your personal life and aspirations. How have these factors helped you to grow?”
How you think you showcase your standout factor: Shows all three of my factors by showing determination and an analytical approach to overcoming my problems and being supportive.
Could anyone else write this essay? (remember to be unique!): My factors are pretty unique.
Main point: My parents and my friends are the biggest influencers in my life. They helped make me who I am and overcome
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I feel like I constantly have to defend what I do and my accomplishments because people feel that I am less than them or that I have special privileges. These situations aren’t necessarily frequent, but when the small statements about my gender or my race occur I’m left feeling a little hopeless about humanity.
I developed a certain degree of anxiety about my actions in the eyes of others. I was worried about coming off as whiney or aggressive. But my mom is my greatest role model, and she dispelled this for me. She told me that being strong and voicing my opinions aren’t something to be weary of ever, and that as long as you conduct yourself in a way that is admirable nothing else matters My mom’s words allowed me to speak up for myself to speak up for myself in order to dispel stereotypes. Now, every time I respond to such comments I feel empowered by my sense of strength and determination to overcome. The frequency with which I need to defend myself is frustrating, but makes me more determined to prove them
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(remember to be unique!): Most people are complacent with the actions our county takes, and while they are steps forwards I really think we can do more.
Main Topic: While having discussions about what needs to be done is a great first step, I get increasingly frustrated when that’s where things end.
Supporting Point:When I think of community, I think of something much more relevant to me as a teenager. I think about my school and the sense of community we have at Long Reach. The longer I’ve been there the more this sense of community and togetherness has grown on me, even through challenging times that faced us all.
Supporting Point: When an Atholton student posted a blackface picture, frustration erupted through the halls of our school. This anger is not misplaced, it’s 2016 and we still have to deal with homages to minstrel shows of the 19th and 20th centuries? When this happened, our principal Josh Wasileski was quick with response and set up safe spaces for us to communicate our feelings over the event.
Supporting Point: After the election of Donald Trump, many people felt the gravity of the situation and felt unsafe in the school. After many people expressed a multitude of emotions in response, Mr.Wasielewski mandated that the entire 3rd period class would be reserved for venting and any expressions of

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