The Denial And Mystification Of Whiteness For White Euro-Americans

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The Denial and Mystification of Whiteness for White Euro-Americans

According to Sue and Sue (2012), there are two underlying factors that amount for the denial and mystification of Whiteness for White Euro-Americans. First, Whiteness is transparent precisely because of its everyday occurrence-and because Whites are taught to think of their lives as morally neutral, average, and ideal (D.W. sue, 2004). Second, Euro-Americans often deny that they are white and many times become defensive, because they do not wan to accept White privilege. It is irrelevant, whether Whiteness defines a race (D.W. Sue & D. Sue, 2012). As stated in Sue and Sue (2012), “ What is more relevant is that Whiteness is associated with unearned privilege – advantages conferred on White American but not on person of color.”
I agree with what Sue and Sue stated. It has been my experience; some White Euro-Americans tend to deny that there is a thing as white privilege. If there is White privilege, they have not experienced it. I am going to coin it the David C. mentality. The unwillingness to step outside their race, remove the White lenses, and put on person of color lenses. Which then takes us back to the
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According to Claude D. Steele (2013a), “Whistling Vivaldi” is story of a young (Staples) black man walking on predominantly white college campus. The young black graduate student noticed that white people around him seemed uneasy as they saw him walking on the street. Some would even cross the street in order create more distance between them and the young black man. The young black man learned that if be whistled Beatles tunes and Vivaldi four seasons the white people around him seemed to be more comfortable. His whistling seemed to lesson the blatant stereotypes, the Whites less feared him. This was relevant because, by young black man whistling Vivaldi, he became more than a stereotype. They could relate him, therefore they Whites felt more comfortable around the young black

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