Broc Brock Turner's Case Study

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White privilege is an inherent advantage, that is unearned and unacknowledged, yet practiced by whites regularly. White people typically earn more money and have more assets than other races. Fortunate individuals continue to fail to realize there is still inequality. They usually rise well above the poverty line, and live relatively economically sound lives. This is true for Brock Turner, a white male former swimmer and student at Stanford University. On January 18, 2015, just after one in the morning, law enforcement officers responded to a report of an unconscious female on campus. Police officers found the rape victim on the ground, in a fetal position, behind a garbage dumpster. Brock Turner only served three months behind bars for his crime. Many believe this is due to his race and economic status. …show more content…
Brock Turner’s case illustrates how white privilege is still alive in our country, and how privilege towards certain groups of people leaves others discriminated against through widespread social prejudice. Brock Turner’s disturbing assault, past history of alcohol abuse, and previous sexually aggressive behavior, led people to believe that white privilege helped him serve less time. Brock claimed he did not have alcohol or party experience before entering college because he came from a small town in Ohio. He implied “that his first time drinking was at a swim team party at Stanford” (Sanchez). Brock was not truthful with the probation department nor the court about his experience with partying and drinking. Evidence on Turner’s phone showed “he was a drinker who partied regularly while in high school, including the use of marijuana and other drugs” (ibid). Brock lying about his past and not having to deal with the consequences is one of the advantages white people receive. The daily lives of white people consist of multiple privileges that go unrecognized. It has become such a norm of society, that we no longer even realize these privileges exist. After investigators looked deeper into Turner, they found he had prior underage alcohol possession charges, as well as a fake identity arrest. In November of 2014, Turner was seen walking on campus with alcohol. He later admitted to “trying to hide the beer because he was underage and because he had a fake driver’s license in his possession” (Grinberg). Once again, Turner used his privilege to get away with something most people would not. It is relatively easy for a white person to go through life never thinking about their own racial identity. For the white race, a daily routine consists of multiple advantages that are seen as the way it is, unconsciously oppressing racial minorities. Racial minorities are very aware of the privileges that are continuously denied to them, and see the unearned privileges constantly given to white people. This discrimination is a constant reminder of their second class citizen status. Brock Turner’s privilege allowed him to get away with things other people would not, revealing how discrimination is still prominent in our country. Brock Turner’s high socioeconomic status allows him to have a more privileged lifestyle than most, leaving a gap between him and an average American. Turner grew up in a wealthy family, which allowed him to pay for the best attorney money could buy. Deputy District Attorney Kianerci stated Brock should get a “six year sentence in state prison, arguing that he lacked remorse and that his victim was especially vulnerable in her unconscious state” (isfiusdhf). This is the punishment the typical American would receive. Prior to the case, Turner’s father spoke with Judge Aaron Persky and pleaded to him to be lenient on his son. Brock was “convicted by a unanimous jury, but Persky ultimately decided his punishment, which was six months in county jail, three years of probation, and lifetime sex offender registration” (hsbdflsf). There was a difference of opinions during the trial, where the jury wanted to give Turner six years. However, he only received six months. Aaron Persky is a white Stanford University alumni himself, and because of this, it is easy to assume these factors

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