Eula Biiss White Debt Analysis

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Summary of racial privilege

The article “White Debt” by Eula Biss from the New York Times Magazine addresses the power and privilege that been given to the white race in America. According to Biss, Privilege is defined as a system that is a combination of privacy and rules that creates differences between people which make the community weaken. (par 7). For instance, when Biss was in college, the Amherst Police caught her due to the graffiti she had posted. They treated her fairly, and they didn’t blame her for that. Later on, Biss tried to watch a video in another university about a black man killed by police campus officer which remind her of her experience with Amherst police (Biss, par 5,6). Moreover, things that you deserve more than anyone such as, having family, learning, career, and salary are considered as a privilege (par 14). She had many scenes in her
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Her son is trying to be comfortable with what he has, but that make him unconformable how he came to have it (par 10).
Biss assert that whiteness is more about behaviors. When Biss’s son heard about the White House that was built by slaves, he didn’t want to be white anymore. However, following someone doesn’t mean to be like them, and you don’t have to be a part of a group. Noel named that act as “new abolitionism” which deal with justices to make the community equally (par 17).
Biss also wondered about the things that she has such as, a house, a good school that her son goes, and other good things too that they might not deserve them, and that makes feel her what Nietzsche said that some people call it “white guilt” (par 22,23). She felt that her life may not be good, and feeling guilty as a white person is a different concept which Sherman Alexie told her that white people may do things that affect others white people life (par 25). Whiteness is not something you own it is something you born with (par

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