Corcoran gives her own reality from the daily life she lives and how being white has treated her. The meaning of being privileged to Corcoran she states “I am privileged as a natural-born white citizen. I’m privileged as a cinder woman. I am privileged as an able-bodied person”. (Corcoran) The color of her skin did not make her any more privileged than any other race she still grew up in poverty and had to earn the things she wanted in life. Being white just made her another individual part of society nothing more and for that reason she says being white did not earn her any advantage over others. She did not get the opportunity to go to college till her late 30s and lived a trailer home with her parents most of the time. Being privileged to Corcoran meant you earned the privileges you had by hard work not by the color of your skin. She states that “Middle class, educated people assume that anyone can achieve their goals if they work hard enough. Folks that stepped into poverty rarely see a life past working at the gas station”. (Coracan) She experienced poverty and seen less opportunities growing up because of the environment she was around and being white got her no further in life it was her ambition for achieving a …show more content…
As she grew up she was told that being white made her better than others but being white did nothing for her. She experienced abuse and poverty something that her race did not prevent. Being white on the streets of Ferguson she thought would earn her privilege over blacks to be able to walk the streets without having to worry about police officers confronting her for protesting. But police officers did not care that she was a white individual protesting the violence they automatically seen her equal to the blacks protesting. She then