While many participated in this, not everyone was happy with it. One individual, an Austrian empress, was notably unhappy of the peace that seemed so far away. She worried that the Prussians would soon turn against their allies, and it saddened her that she could do nothing to stop it. (Doc 3). Despite what the empress had believed, the king of Prussia himself seemed uneasy of the future endeavours in his country. In a letter to his foreign minister, he expressed his understanding that Prussia needs to be united with other European countries, rather than fight them. (Doc 4). Andrew Symmer, a British representative, was also tired of the constant competition. In a letter to his government, Symmer explained that it made no sense to tax the Spanish in the Americas, since the war had already ended. (Doc 9). …show more content…
Britain wanted control, and created several problems for those near them because of this. In a report completed by an officer of the British East India Company, the officer listed the new conditions that would take place in Bengali after their leader had been defeated. To the Bengali government, these terms might have seemed rather extreme. (Doc 1). Another incident involving possibly excessive British terms was explained in a correspondence between the French and British. The French, being colonists, wanted to keep their rights, property, and allegiance to their king. The British, however, did not agree with any of these terms, with an exception for the clergy. (Doc 5). An outside examination, provided by a French minister of foreign affairs, went in depth to talk about how British negotiators were unwilling to make compromise, which is an apparent trend. The terms that the British would create were impossible for the French to do, so it was all a waste of time. (Doc 6). In a British report from an employee back to his company, it is easily shown that their methods in handling things were excessive. In response to a betrayal, the British took their heads, paraded them about, and confiscated the leader of the betrayer property as well as arresting him, and sent him away. (Doc