Many of these factors contribute to the conflicts between 1815 and 1923 as they all provide the basis for hostility between countries and the rise of nationalism in a time when Europe was undergoing a major …show more content…
In an era when intellectualisation and self-recognition was developing, it would have been undoubtedly unwise to assume that ethnicities would accept being governed by someone with a different national identity.
Similar to the Habsburg Empire was the Ottoman Empire which also consisted of many ethnicities including, Greeks, Bulgarians, Turks, Kurds and Serbs. This mixture of nationalities was a key reason for the collapse of the Empire, which began with the Greek uprising.
The development of nationalism accelerated throughout the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century and in particular within the Greeks as the position of educated and privileged Greeks improved significantly and as a result began to feel its increasing backwardness in comparison to the other European powers hence becoming more sensitive to the topic of …show more content…
The establishment of the independent Greek state was yet another significant event in the development of nationalism as for the first time a Christian subject people had achieved independence form the Ottoman rule. The power of nationalism and the national idea had become an important factor in the further reconfiguration of Europe hence awakening nationalism in other European states and therefore providing the opportunity for further agitation, which would unavoidably lead to conflict. Now that the great powers had assisted in Greece, help would be expected of them in other European conflicts relating to nationalism and so it can be assumed that the development of nationalism gave the other states an excuse to expect help to establish an independent nation. This would then begin to create differences in opinions between the great powers providing the foundations for further conflicts such as the Crimean war and the World War, although nationalism was not entirely to blame for these particular