After President Wilson declared a war, he much rather avoid, Germany had put aside its restraints of law and humanity (Doc. G). Whereas, Germany had agreed to not destroy any more American merchant ships without notice, which occurred after their U-Boat warfare was re-established. This left America in the stance of demeaning its power or joining the war effort to defend their own reputation. In the end of the war, the Treaty of Versaille made President Wilson compromise in numerous situations with one thought in mind, the League of Nations (Doc H). Although a republican delegate should have attended the meeting for the treaty, President Wilson made his appearance and had his intentions of getting what he wanted. Once the others agreed to the League of Nations President Wilson brought the treaty home with glee, but the republican dominated senate will not share his same emotions. They reminded the president about the right for the senate to declare war so they adjusted the treaty accordingly, but Wilson would not follow through as his power would be undermined and the other countries would have an advantage. Thus, pride took over President Wilson’s mindset, and his desire for America to become the head figure of the League of Nations never occurred due to the stubbornness that left the Treaty of Versaille as
After President Wilson declared a war, he much rather avoid, Germany had put aside its restraints of law and humanity (Doc. G). Whereas, Germany had agreed to not destroy any more American merchant ships without notice, which occurred after their U-Boat warfare was re-established. This left America in the stance of demeaning its power or joining the war effort to defend their own reputation. In the end of the war, the Treaty of Versaille made President Wilson compromise in numerous situations with one thought in mind, the League of Nations (Doc H). Although a republican delegate should have attended the meeting for the treaty, President Wilson made his appearance and had his intentions of getting what he wanted. Once the others agreed to the League of Nations President Wilson brought the treaty home with glee, but the republican dominated senate will not share his same emotions. They reminded the president about the right for the senate to declare war so they adjusted the treaty accordingly, but Wilson would not follow through as his power would be undermined and the other countries would have an advantage. Thus, pride took over President Wilson’s mindset, and his desire for America to become the head figure of the League of Nations never occurred due to the stubbornness that left the Treaty of Versaille as