Explain Why American Indians Were So Diverse In 1491

Improved Essays
Explain why American Indians were so diverse in 1491.
Before 1491, the New World remained untouched and relatively undiscovered by Europeans. Native American tribes had developed unique cultures and customs similarly to how Europe had many different countries. Without horses to make transport easier and with varied climates, the tribes remained more or less separated from one another and therefore developed vastly different ways of life and adaptations to the land. Because tribes outside of a close proximity rarely contacted each other, a myriad of languages developed with little resemblance to one another. Their culture and religion were mostly informed by their climate and environment, because of this each tribe developed its own beliefs based on their surroundings. Also these civilizations had been allowed to develop into elaborate cities that used ingenious farming techniques and inventions with little need to travel outside their community. Because tribes were relatively
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Columbus’ misunderstanding and of the Native Americans and the New World was reflective of most of Europe in the late 15th century. This new land mass was seen as a commodity to exploit for money and its people as the new battlefield of the Holy Wars. The primitivation and racism that clouds most of Columbus’ writings also unfortunately colored the thoughts of leaders and explorers back in the Old World.

Analyze the impact of colonization on Spain.
Colonization allowed Spain to assert its newfound dominance, after successfully driving away the Muslims, into new lucrative frontier. Spain acted as one of the first major colonizers of the New World and married Spanish culture into these lands. Colonization allowed Spain to expand its influence and exploit the Americas for natural resources and labor. These efforts secured Spain’s place as one of the strongest countries and allowed a profitable system off the Columbian

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