Stachybotrys (black mold) is a dark green almost black slimy mold that produces a deadly poison called mycotoxins. It often grows on cellulose based items like straw and paper after coming into contact with water. Stachybotrys enters a person’s system through the spores. Spores are tiny seed like structures which are produced in the mold. Mold spores are invisible to an person’s naked eye.…
A toxin is a antigenic poison that comes from microorganisms. Toxins come from various places like the body, environment, foods, and personal products. Not all toxins are alike, there are different forms of toxins that fall in different categories. Food toxins for example would be different than environmental toxins because of where they originate and are introduced to the body. Yes toxins do make it difficult to lose weight because the more toxins in our bodies the more fat cells are used to store theses toxins for removal…
Tetanus is caused by the Clostridium tetani bacterium. Clostridium tetani spores are able to survive for a long time outside of the body. They are most commonly found in animal manure and contaminated soil, but may exist virtually anywhere. When Clostridium tetani enter the body, they multiply rapidly and release tetanospasmin, a neurotoxin. When tetanospasmin enters the bloodstream, it rapidly spreads around the body, causing tetanus symptoms.…
Vinegar is biodegradable liquid that consists of about 5-20% acetic acid (CH3COOH), an active ingredient produced from the fermentation of ethanol. An international team of researchers from Venezuela, France, and the US reported that acetic acid can effectively kill mycobacteria, even highly drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to Canada’s National Collaborating Centre for environmental health, the acid in vinegar crosses the cell membrane of bacteria and prompts a release of protons, which causes the cell to…
Mojave Toxin in the Mojave Rattlesnake Neurotoxins are an often studied, naturally occurring set of chemicals with vast potential toward a variety of applications. These toxins are produced by countless different species of animals: amphibians, insects, arachnids, and even birds, just to name a few. Neurotoxins, a specific class of toxins, act by impairing or artificially enhancing neurotransmission at the pre-synaptic or post-synaptic level (Camp & Gilbert, 2014, para. 1-5). Neurotoxins affect an animal’s central nervous system by disrupting the flow of action potentials.…
In Lars Eighner’s essay “On Dumpster Diving”, Eighner writes to the general middle and upper class American about the day to day life of an average Dumpster Diver. Written in an almost how to guide format, Eigner shows the reader that the average diver not only can find interesting items in the garbage, but also make a living off of it by finding food that is safe to eat. Written throughout by Eigner, However, is a counter argument that goes to show just how wrong the normal stereotypes of a Dumpster Diver are and to redefine the population of divers to show that they are indeed also human by using his own knowledge and experience on the topic.…
The polysaccharide capsule obtained from B. Anthracis prevents engulfment by macrophages as well as preventing opsonization of the bacterium. Toxin…
The nervous and muscular system are the two main organ systems affected by botulin intoxication. One of the significances of Clostridium botulinum being anaerobic, is that it makes it harder to contract the disease. Botulism, caused by Clostridium botulinum, can't grow normally in conditions where people could come in contact with it.…
An original plan of Aum’s was a botulin attack on civilians with the agent sprayed from building roofs and modified delivery vans. In June 1993, Aum released anthrax spores from a Tokyo building; the foul smelling spores killed some pets and birds, but no citizens. Aum even sent young scientists to Zaire in 1993 to study and collect samples of the dreaded Ebola virus. Aum even sttempted to attack American military bases with sprayed botulin. All the while, Aum scientists cultured and experimented with biological agents such as botulin, anthrax, cholera, and Q fever.…
Most people have heard of the devastating dark ages event, the Black Death. This breakout caused the largest biochemical disaster known to mankind. The bacteria that caused the black plague is known as Yersinia pestis, and continues to exist even today. At the time when the original plague broke out, lack of medicine, and other sanitary needs greatly affected how quickly the plague was able to spread. Although the overall period of time is mostly considered to be the breakout of one common disease, it was actually three different types of infections from the same bacteria.…
The Black Plague was no ordinary plague, it killed more than 25 million people in 1347-1353 (Dobson)! The Black Plague was the worst plague in human history because it was in a highly populated area, was easily spread and and it was hard to treat. The Black Plague was the worst disease in human history. The Black Plague was nicknamed the black death because at its worst times many people described it as a black cloud of death that was not avoidable(Dobson). The black plague killed 30% of the population of Europe(Dobson).…
Popcorn syndrome is entertainments that don’t require much thought or engagement, such as, watching a television show, reading a book or listening to music. If something is considered popcorn syndrome there is no desire to think it is for pleasure only. Unlike popcorn syndrome, popcorn hangover is when you actually watched the movie or television show and its mind boggling. You actually think about what happened and you begin to process those thoughts to form an actual opinion on what you watched. How might the concept of "popcorn hangover" be a benefit to modern society?…
Introduction Millennials display about the same level of political interest as the younger generation in the 1980s; they are likely to get involved in protests and other political confrontations. Yet, the youth of today is known to be disinterested in politics and are significantly less likely to vote in elections than previous generations. However, in recent years, youth in East Asian countries are leading political movements and asserting their interest into the national political agenda. Leading up to elections, university student bodies and youth groups mobilize themselves and go to the voting polls; once labeled as the politically detached generation, young people are voting more so now, than ever before. With that being said, a large disparity in voter turnout rates across East Asian democracies still exists.…
Based on what seems to be the nervous system symptoms of the 11-week-old infant, my suspicion is that the infant has Infant Botulism, which is an illness that affects infants from 3 weeks up until 6 months of age. American Family Physician mentions that about 90 percent of infants with botulism are younger than six months. Infant botulism is acquired by swallowing botulism spores and is potentially life-threatening. These spores are from a bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum, which is found in dirt and dust and can also contaminate honey, as Kid’s Health states. According to Dr. Greene, Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous natural substance known to man.…
With the lack of accountability, security and mishandling of the smallpox disease a terrorist network could become successful in acquiring this dangerous material. If weaponized hundreds of people could become infected before vaccination could be administered, not to mention with how long it would take to develop more vaccines. With the release of this toxic disease unannounced/secret and the potential of the movement of those affected in schools, stores, and traveling by planes, train and buses the country would not be ready for such of an outbreak. The initial diagnosis can be complicated and often wrong.…