In the article, “GMOs are a Grand Experiment on Health, Environment (op-ed),” the author Katherine Tallmadge, states that GMOs, or Genetically Modified Organisms, are an unknown factor. She is someone well respected in the GMO field to be interviewed about GMOs by CNN, yet her expertise is hardly ever voiced in the article. Tallmadge is a nutritional expert as well as holding a degree in behavioral analysis, she is qualified to discuss the nutritional effects of GMOs in this article. She begins her article by highlighting the risk factors associated with consuming GMOs. Then she discusses what the government’s stance on GMOs are.…
Besides the fact that Cheerios’ leading ingredient is whole grain oats, the other smaller ingredients are starting to get more attention. This article talks about how there has been an awakening to General Mills that their consumers are having an issue with the fact that there are GM ingredients in their cereal. This article also talks about how there will be a date where the new GMO-free cereal will be released into stores. Rhodan also states in this article that “there is little scientific evidence that shows genetically modified ingredients are more harmful than GMO-free foods.” This brings up the controversy of leaving GM ingredients in products or taking them out completely.…
In recent years, the outcry of people against genetically modified food, or GM food, has become increasingly prominent in both commercial and governmental practices. GM foods have a negative connotation; people think that eating something that has been modified is going to poison their body. Not only that, but most of the American public believes that in doing this, humans are playing god, and have gone too far. However, none of this is true. So far, none of the GM food currently on the market has any ill-effects on humans.…
In “The Threats from Genetically Modified Foods”, Robin Mather effectively brings awareness to the American public of the harmful side effects of genetically modified (GM) foods. She shares that genetically modified foods are foods with an altered genetic make-up. This alteration has lead them to be banned in several countries. However, in the United States, GM foods are not strictly regulated and, therefore, not required to be labeled. Also, the pesticides used in genetically modified foods yield harmful side effects in animals and humans.…
It has been a constant focus of many throughout history because one’s level of health has the ability to influence every aspect of someone’s life. As foods began to be further studied and the technology to do so became available, it became known that without nutritious foods, an unhealthy lifestyle will be the result. Once genetically modified foods were introduced in order to help the fight against hunger and help the nation’s economy, the nutrition that came along with them and the good they did for society was questioned. No one can agree on the safety of the products because tests have been done yielding results that support each side. In the economic world, GM foods have been shown to produce more, resulting in more revenue, but also hurt the smaller food suppliers that grow the natural crops that are purchased today.…
GMO foods are such an embedded part of our food system these days, but it’s not difficult to think back to a time when food was simpler and healthier. Although GMO 's have a been around for thousands of years, when new discoveries arrived at the tip of our hands in the early 1980s, a conflict over ethics, health, and long-term environmental safety have become the main issue of concern for many. The ongoing debate over genetically modified organisms can get brutal at times, and most often, very confusing due to a lot of misleading information. In overview, a GMO is a plant, animal, or any organism, whose genetic material has been modified or manipulated through a process called genetic engineering. Although many organisms can be genetically…
As the production of agriculture evolves, so does the research on genetically engineered foods, which large corporations fund and create. A prominent example of an enterprise that supports and emanates considerable funds towards genetically modified foods, is Monsanto. Monsanto is a viable agriculture company that owns and sells genetically engineered seeds. Monsanto uses their funds towards biotechnology, the abuse of biological processes, for industrial use like genetic engineering. In this process, genetic engineers are able to produce seeds that Monsanto sells to farmers.…
Miller is a physician and molecular biologist who believes that there can be plenty of harm done by putting GMO food labels on produce at the supermarket. In Miller’s article, “GMO Food Labels are Meaningless,” he disagrees with the Vermont Act 120 that requires labels on foods that have been produced or partially produced from an organism in which the genetic material has been changed. The Vermont law was passed to reduce and prevent confusion among consumers, yet Miller opposes this idea. Miller reports, “Activists may believe they are empowering consumers, but in truth they are distracting them from substantive issues such as product quality, safety, and value.” Miller writes that since the early 1900’s plant breeders have been testing and performing “wide-cross” hybridizations on plants and cultivating those with desirable traits.…
The debate over whether GMO foods are safe to consume or not have been highly contested over recent years. While some scientists believe that GMOs pose serious health risks, others acclaim the benefits and scientific breakthroughs that have been derived from using GMO’s. Within the informative article “Are Engineered Foods Evil?” by David Freedman, scientists such as Robert Goldberg, David Williams, and David Zilberman all made substantial claims in which some were attacked by their opposers, but were still legitimately and statistically convincing nonetheless. In this article, Freedman utilizes the discoveries made by these scientists to find a common ground, and explore the truth behind the issue of GMOs in America and beyond.…
All About that Label A pack of cigarettes comes with a caution in bold, red letters to those who might purchase it, yet products containing organisms that have been genetically spliced or modified are often hidden in plain sight with little warning regarding its ingredients. Consumers should be able to make knowledgeable decisions about what they are buying and consuming rather than purchasing blindly without consequence. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires labeling of genetically modified (GM) food only if it differs significantly from the expectation of that food. However, it does not include the methods of genetic engineering or hybridization to create new plant varieties (Byrne, Pendell, and Graff). Doubt surrounds…
As America moves towards efficiency and mass production, the agricultural industry follows the same pattern. One of the more recent developments for mass production and decreased costs of food production. Numerous questions and concerns surrounding the safety and impact on human’s health preceded this new introduction. Genetically modified organisms, GMOs for short, have been at the center of congressional hearing and federal agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The question is, should this be a concern for American consumers?…
Even now, there isn’t enough food to feed everyone, there are many people who aren’t able to get any food at all. Since this issue concerns our food supply, there has been a lot of attention and thought being put into this process of whether labeling GMOs would be beneficial to us or hurtful. The safety of genetically modified foods has not been tested yet for human consumption which can be dangerous because just in America, “around 70% of processed foods contain some sort of genetically engineered ingredients” (The Editors, 2013). For consumers who care about their food, labeling GMO products will…
Knoblock is just one of many farmers seeing a huge difference in switching from feeding their livestock from GM filled food to natural grown Non-GM food. Steve Tusa, a farmer who raises cattle in Minnesota, has witnessed many improvements after making the switch. Tusa had many deaths in the past of his cattle because of digestive problems caused by their old GM filled diet, but since the switch, the percent of deaths have decreased fifty percent. Tusa now grows approximately 1400 Non-GM crops per year for other farmers so they can experience the positive effects also (Roseboro). Some americans now, worry about animal cruelty.…
In the mid1990s genetically engineered (GE) foods began to appear in the marketplace, —unbeknownst to most consumers who may have not noticed the increase in population (Institute of Food Technologists, 2000). Foods that contain GMOs were created to help with overpopulation not to cause harm, so the importance of reading food labels is vital. As the population continues to grow, so does the technology of GMOs, scientist are inventing more cutting edge scientific chemicals to aid in the production of agriculture. The United States Government is responsible for educating the consumer on the dangers of GMOs (Farquhar, D.…
Fuel is the lifeline for a car. It gives the car power to move and keep moving while it 's still there. And once it runs low, it is refilled so that the car once again has the energy to move. This is similar to the relationship between our bodies and food. We eat food as a source of energy to power us through the day.…