Ambling along the street You pull out Your phone search through your contacts you find your aunts number you press the call button putting the phone between the crook of your neck slinging the bag off your back you open it searching the bag you find your water bottle you take a swig before putting it back up your brows furrow as a computer spoke on the other end
"Number disconnected no serves"Okay maybe your aunt lost her phone and changed her number guess i should call mom and ask grabbing your phone you go to call your mom only to get the same answer as before
"Okay this is getting weird." scowling down at the device you go through your contacts calling everyone only to get the same answer every time
"What is …show more content…
"Crap." you sighed, putting your phone in your pocket you were so focused on calling people that you didn't notice you were still walking
"Just great now i'm even more lost." it was starting to get dark the apartments over head cast a large shadow over the street the wind picked up causing a shiver to go down your spine unzipping your bag again you pull out your jacket
"Be thankful for the little things melody." you murmur as you pressed forward the sun went even lower in the sky as you found dead end after dead end if it was any other day you'd have stopped and admired the sun set but this was no normal day
"First that weird thing on the plane then my phone saying none of my number existed this can't just be a coincidence but what happened why did it happen" then it hit you like a tone of bricks freezing you clutch your …show more content…
"Looks liekk i'mma have fun today." the sound of breaking glass snaps you out of your terror you watch in shock as the shattered bottle in the mans hands starts to melt it quickly cotes his hand hardening over it he hum's as the liquid glass changes shapes he fastens a knife to his strange glass concoction the weapon itself vaguely reminded you of wolverine with speed that no drunken man should have he lunges forward you fall back crying out in pain as the blade sliced your lip crab walking backwards your hands find your bag which you dropped you roll to the side as he swipes at you
"Stay still little mouse~" the man croons in a sickly honeyed voice your body works on autopilot scrambling you take a deep breath opening your mouth you let loose a blood curdling scream the scream echoes down the ally it feels as if the whole world around you is shaking the man lets out a curse fumbling to the side
"Dammit you bitch you just had to be a sound witch!" still screaming you slam your bag into the mans face this was what you were waiting for you ran out of the ally and back onto the side streets you had to get to the cafe that's the only place where you'd feel safe but you were still completely and utterly