They also participate in hate speech against other groups including: catholics, orthodox christians, muslims, jews, U.S. soldiers, and politicians. A spokeswoman for the Westboro Baptist church explains that, “members want God to punish Americans for tolerating homosexuality. They picket funerals to make people angry, she says. They want people to reject God and be condemned to hell.”…
Albert Snyder, father of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, filed a lawsuit against Westboro Baptist Church. This is because Westboro Baptist Church is liable for picketing the Maryland funeral of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder on March of 2006. The Westboro protesters held signs with messages like “You’re Going to Hell”, “Thank God for Dead Soldiers”, and “Thank God for IEDs”. The Westboro Baptist Church believes the country’s values are wrong for allowing homoseuality and having soldiers protect a country that allows gays is evil. I believe what Westboro Baptist Church did was completely obeying of all the laws of the constitution.…
Honestly, is it? Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group, plain and simple. The Southern Poverty Law Center has deemed it as such, as have many major news outlets. You can form your own opinions, yes, but the evidence has just been presented to you, and you'd be daft to ignore…
The Westboro Baptists are a religious group from Topeka, Kansas. The Westboro Baptists protest at funerals, as well as many other events, with signs that say God is killing soldiers to punish America’s tolerance of homosexuals. Some of the signs are painted with hateful messages, such as “God Hates Fags” and “No Fags In Heaven”. These signs were carried in protest outside of Matthew Snyder’s funeral, a fallen soldier. His grieving father, Albert Snyder, sued Westboro Baptist church for belief in his right to mourn his son in peace, without the hateful bombardment of Westboro Baptists screaming “Thank God for Dead Soldiers”.…
Intolerance is unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own. (“Intolerance Definition”) Groups all over the world are intolerant, one of these groups is the Westboro Baptists. This group is notorious for being a “hate cult”. They have picketed anything and everything: Lady Gaga concerts, soldier’s funerals, even funerals of those who have been killed in bombings and shootings. They will picket anything that will gain them attention; the more controversial the better.…
Freedom of speech has always been a topic of conversation on whether or not we really have it, or it’s portrayed like we do so the American people can be content. There is plenty of proof on the fact that our freedom of speech is actually being taken away from us. Even now as our generation is more open minded, it doesn’t mean that we allow for anyone to have what they think is right, heard. Then whenever we question that our right is being taken away, we are meant with critiques that we are just babies and Liberal snowflakes that don’t really know what it is to not have freedom of speech. There are cases like with what happened with the San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, which was taking a stand by kneeling during the national anthem as a way to protest against…
I agree with Caleb Yong article on how free speech is important because he explained how lead each person to form the own ideas and opinion and individualize themselves, and although it can lead to hate speeches there is also speeches that benefit for the better. It’s important for people to speak your opinion and ideas without having to have restriction on how important the matter is to you. Every speech has its negative and positive points but it usually the benefits out weigh the negative factor of the speech. I do think that is very important to keep in mind that every action has its…
What is Freedom of Speech? The Merriam-Webster dictionary define freedom of speech as “the right to express facts and opinions subject only to reasonable limitations (as the power of the government to protect itself from a clear and present danger) guaranteed by the 1st and 14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution and similar provisions of some state constitutions”. Freedom of speech is ones right to say what you please without fear of being punished, is among one of the most treasured freedoms throughout America. The founders of the United States government tried to protect our liberty by assuring a free press, to gather and publish information without being under control or power of another, in the First Amendment to the Constitution. As we know, the Supreme Court plays an important role in the subject of free speech and expression, and we need to understand that…
On July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independance was signed, and the Americans gained their independance. Since then, we honor the flag and our country everyday with the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance. America’s gift to my generation is the opportunity to express yourself and people who volunteer to protect our country. Everyday, we express ourselves in some way without having to worry about what the government might do. Freedom of speech is usually the first thing people think of when you hear freedom.…
People who agree with the creation of speech laws simply do not have a proper sense of American freedoms. Americans are often touted as being ignorant and blunt in some regards, but at least we have a very strong cultural foundation in freedom of speech unlike some countries in Europe who have very strong hate speech laws that could land them in jail if they say something that is deemed as offensive. These countries will ultimately come to realize the problems with these laws and the people living within these countries will yearn for such beautiful freedoms that our constitution provides us. Therefore, it is clear to see why our society should take this topic very seriously, and we should not cooperate with anyone who try’s to limit our freedom of expression in anyway whatsoever, and if people don’t respect that than they have the right to form an argument against it, because their right to free speech is…
The right of freedom of speech in the Bill of Rights was used many times in the 60’s because of people supporting what they believe in. Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for what he believed in. He also had many supporters that helped in the fight against racism and individual rights. I think that Freedom of speech is the most important amendment in the bill of rights and makes america what it is today. There were many people who used their right freedom of speech because they made themselves known by giving speeches, holding sit ins, or peacefully standing up for what you believe in.…
For centuries, Religious Freedom has been an issue all over the world. From Adolf Hitler and his Nazi soldiers in Germany to the European Wars of Religion. Unfortunately, some countries still have religious conflicts today. Luckily, the United States of America is a society built on freedom. In the 1500s one of the first immigrant groups, the Pilgrims, came to America to practice their religion freely.…
Everyone in the U.S. has the same rights no matter what they look like or do. This is why United States of America is one the most flourishing countries in the world, because of it’s freedom. Of course, these privileges had to come from somewhere, and that is the Bill of Rights. On September 25, 1789, ten amendments were ratified by the congress of the United States. These Bill of Rights were created to protect the rights of the people.…
The right to having free speech is one of the basic human rights that pretty much everybody knows firsthand. Some people abuse this right, and some use it just right! Freedom of expression is super important because it enables the public to participate in the decision making spectrum of society with free range of information and ideas. Without this, people would be unable to make informed decisions, and things would be complete and utter chaos. The framers of the United States Constitution probably thought that through, which is why we even have the first amendment freedom of speech.…
I grew up in a family of Republicans; both my mother and father are moderate conservatives. My family has always emphasized the importance of voting and usually took me with them when they voted. Outside of simply voting, my family has not been politically active. The importance of voting has been instilled in me by them. However being stubborn and interested in learning and making choices on my own, their conservative beliefs did not instill in me in the same way.…