I agree with Caleb Yong article on how free speech is important because he explained how lead each person to form the own ideas and opinion and individualize themselves, and although it can lead to hate speeches there is also speeches that benefit for the better. It’s important for people to speak your opinion and ideas without having to have restriction on how important the matter is to you. Every speech has its negative and positive points but it usually the benefits out weigh the negative factor of the speech. I do think that is very important to keep in mind that every action has its
I agree with Caleb Yong article on how free speech is important because he explained how lead each person to form the own ideas and opinion and individualize themselves, and although it can lead to hate speeches there is also speeches that benefit for the better. It’s important for people to speak your opinion and ideas without having to have restriction on how important the matter is to you. Every speech has its negative and positive points but it usually the benefits out weigh the negative factor of the speech. I do think that is very important to keep in mind that every action has its