“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (1)
Though it holds a great deal of power, it upholds strong personal values, and sets a precedent for the future of our country. The only problem …show more content…
They shun older government structures such as monarchies, even though monarchies are newer and are based on more modern principles. I am not advocating for monarchies what so ever, I just wanted to point out that even though democratic principles are extremely older than dynastic principles, we have found ourselves going with an older methodology. This shows that humans may revisit certain ideologies from the past, and this can be a very good thing in some cases. Hate speech laws could impede our civilization from accessing some of these old principles because they are somewhat offensive to a certain person/people. People should have the inexcusable right to self determination that our forefathers imagined we should have. People who agree with the creation of speech laws simply do not have a proper sense of American freedoms. Americans are often touted as being ignorant and blunt in some regards, but at least we have a very strong cultural foundation in freedom of speech unlike some countries in Europe who have very strong hate speech laws that could land them in jail if they say something that is deemed as offensive. These countries will ultimately come to realize the problems with these laws and the people living within these countries will yearn for such beautiful freedoms that our constitution provides us. Therefore, it is clear to see why our society should take this topic very seriously, and we should not cooperate with anyone who try’s to limit our freedom of expression in anyway whatsoever, and if people don’t respect that than they have the right to form an argument against it, because their right to free speech is