Saint John And Two Angels Analysis

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The Virgin Holding the Sleeping Child with Saint John and Two Angels was created by Italian artist, Bernardino Luini in the second half of the sixteenth century during the High Renaissance. The piece was created to be displayed privately and depict the main event the teachings of the Catholic church revolve around. The piece foreshadows the murder of Jesus Christ on the cross through different elements in the piece used as symbols. The crucifixion is illustrated by Jesus in a deep sleep represent his death after Mary held him once he was taken down the cross, about to be wrapped in a shroud for burial. During the time period it was created, people who were fortunate to see the piece were amazed by the gracefully depicted figures and were impacted …show more content…
The art piece conveys the message and presage of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, showing love and mercy for humanity.During the High Renaissance period, people in society who were granted to see the piece were amazed by the gracefully illustrated figures and were impacted spiritually by the message Luini tried to convey transmit to society. The art piece addresses the religious theme of redemption and repentance for the sins committed by humanity which should have been lived out throughout the Renaissance according to church teachings. Luini’s art piece helps us comprehend the religious teachings, beliefs, art techniques, and show one of the main influences during the sixteenth century. This piece parallels the universal theme of the Catholic religion and the beliefs that are continuously flourishing throughout western culture. The portrait conveys humans as delicate, divine creatures with intricate detail and innocence. Last;y, this piece was assumed to be intended as a private art piece for a wealthy merchant, noble, or church

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