The Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux is a large gothic-style sculpture that was created in between 1324 to 1339. It was created in France and it was donated to the the abbey church of Saint-Denis by the Queen of France, Jeanne d'Evreux. It is a silver-gilt and enamel piece with the height of 2′ 3 1/2″ high. There isn’t any known record of the artist who actually built the sculpture, but it is known that they were a goldsmith. The piece can now be seen in Louvre Museum in France.
The subject of the piece is the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ as a baby. During that 13th century, the Virgin Mary was favored to being the subject of many artworks. The piece represents the passion of love that Mary has for her son. It represents …show more content…
In her right hand, she holds a scepter that is styled in flower-de-luce and is decorated in jewels. In those times, a scepter represent royalty, so we can conclude that Mary is considered a royal figure. She wears a long flowing robe that covers her body and her head. There are many details in her robe as you can see cresses and it also gives a very realistic look. If you look closely at the bottom, you can see that she is wearing shoes. Even though hair is pushed back, you can tell that it is long. Her expression is very loving and caring towards Jesus (as many artworks display her in this style). The young Jesus Christ lower half is covered by a blanket or a piece of Mary’s robe and you can see the outline shape of his foot. His top half is uncovered and he stretches out his right hand to touch his mother’s face in a loving, playful manner. He has short and curly hair and he has a resemblance of a young angel. At the bottom of the sculpture, there is an inscription in French that is believe to state The Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux for the abbey church of Saint-Denis. On the bottom half of the sculpture, there are small paintings of the the life of Jesus Christ. It depicts Jesus crucifixion, him rising from the dead, and ascending into heaven. There are a small figurines of people (it looks to be the disciples and Mary) that are around the base and there is a decorative pattern that is covers the boarders. All …show more content…
The beautiful gold and attention made so eye catching that I had to write about. It’s a wonderful piece of artwork and it would be perfect to stand inside of a church. I wish we knew who the artist was, so that could get the praise for such a wonderful job. I think this one stands out from many of the different The Virgin Mary sculptures during that time because of it’s color and the paintings at the bottom. I feel like the paintings at the bottom brings and emotional feeling to the piece and also adds to the story. It shows you the present of the Mary and Jesus showing affection to each other and the unknown future of what is to come to her son. I think this piece is brilliant and I would love to see it in