Verbal Bullying In Middle School And High School

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What is bullying? Bullying is when a person is getting picked on by other people that either attend at their school or on social media, most people get bullied at school by football players or someone how is most known at the school. Bullies will go after kids that that does their work at school or someone who’s different, bullies go after people that are weaker then them because they know that they will be scared of them because they are bigger and stronger. Bullying is very common in middle school and high school because that’s when kids start to get into sports and things like that and bullies only bully others just to show off and they think its cool to pick on someone because they think they’re better then everybody else.

Cyber bullying
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The only reason people have too much to say about someone is because they don’t have their own life so they have to talk about someone else life.

Social bullying is when people say things to hurt someone reputation and mess their life up because you don’t want to be in their lives anymore. If one of your friends say you can’t be friends with another person just because you don’t like them then get mad at you and start talking mess about you just because they are mad because you talked to someone that they don’t like.

If you are ever getting bullied make sure you tell someone and make sure they do something about it, because if you don’t let anyone know the bully will keep on until you can’t take it anymore and you will end up hurting yourself or someone else. Bullies do things to people just to show off in front of their friends just to show off but if you have to pick on someone just to look cool you are a very cruel person and you will end up lonely in your later life. If you ever been bullied or getting bullied don’t ever let people get to you or make you feel less then what you really worth that person shouldn’t even be in your life because they are just their to make you feel bad about yourself all the time, also what someone has to say about you it doesn’t even matter because you know more about yourself then anyone else

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