My mother suggested that I attend Urban Prep Charter Academies. I had never heard of Urban Prep, until I saw the 100% college acceptance event on television. Before learning about their college acceptances, I was interested in other selective high schools. However, I knew that Urban Prep would be the best fit for me in regards to my career goals. Many had expectations for me, but I began to form goals and dreams for myself. Upon entering Urban Prep, I learned the importance of study skills and work ethic. I finished my first semester of my freshmen year will all A's, and one B. I was excited, because it was my first semester of high school, and my hard work was paying off. I knew that if I kept this good work up, it will pay off at the end. However, upon ending my semester I was beginning to face more …show more content…
I thought about what I did right and wrong. I realized that I should have asked more questions the day before the test. I would often be seen as an introvert, but I learned that I needed to start speaking up for myself; rather than my parents, staff, or friends speaking on my behalf. As my high school years went on, I maintained my grades. I was taking notes, asking questions, and developing study skills; so that failure according to my standards would not occur again. I even earned the privilege of enrolling in Honors and AP courses because of my hard work. My current goals includes finishing my senior year with A’s only, becoming more of an advocate for myself, and graduating high school with an acceptance to a great