Unplugging Research Paper

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Benefits of Unplugging from Technology The everyday lives of people have changed a great deal because of technology. This is because, technology has become easier, faster, and more convenient. However, at the same time, our lives have become anti-social as computers become a vital part of our lives. Moreover, technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds. Therefore, in pursuit of its comforts, people tend to be over-reliant. As a result, people cannot imagine living without technology. Consequently, people do not know there are many consequences of technology. Moreover, people today have become fixated on the virtual world that they become oblivious to the real world around them. In other words, many people are distracted by technology, they become unaware of their surroundings. Therefore, being able to detach themselves from technology will increase the awareness. They will be amazed to see how beautiful the sky looks and see how the clouds morph into various shapes. Even in the nights, the sky would look so beautiful with the enchanting moonlight and the sparkling stars that it has to offer. As a result, by looking around, many people will be amazed to see what a beautiful world they are living in. …show more content…
Most people in today’s world tend to communicate with others with the use of technology. However, they do not know that using technology to communicate can be misleading sometimes. For instance, an individual may convey a message, but the other person might misunderstand what is being said. Furthermore, the use of non-verbal cues or emotions cannot be conveyed through technology such as facial expressions and tone of voice. Therefore, by detaching from technology, one will be able to see and feel the difference between having a conversation face-to-face is so much better and fun than having it

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