In principle, here are three types of sales promotion strategies’. Push, Pull or a combination of the two. One of the strategies is a promotional strategy which its effort is for make use of a company’s sales force and trade to bring to consumer demand for a product. The involvement of the push promotion strategy to convince the trade intermediate channels to persuade his product through the distribution channels to the ultimate consumer via promotions and personal selling efforts. In this round of business the company may promote its product through a reseller the reseller in turn promotes to another reseller and finally to the consumer. another This means the channel starts from producer …show more content…
Because the producer sells the product in very low prices and the consumer pays for the product high prices A pull strategy effort is to consumers in order to “pull the product from the manufacturers through the marketing channel. The aim of the company in pull strategy focusing the marketing communications work on consumers assuming that such process stimulates interest and demand for the product at the end-user level. In this case a “pull” selling strategy’ main objective is high spending on advertising and a consumer promotion as well as to build up consumer demand for a product. The “pull” strategy frequently used in a purpose of , to check that the distributors are reluctant to carry a product , the reason in which to get as many consumers as possible to go to retail outlets and request the product which helps pulling it through the channel. There are factors in which the consumer promotion objective role plays to attract the consumers in order to try the product, that also helps to bring the customers from competitors' products, to get the consumers to “load up” on a mature product, and keep as well as to reward loyal customers and build customer relationships. If the strategy is successful, consumers will ask their retailers for the product, the retailers will ask