Unit 27 D2

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Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

This regulation require employers to assess and prevent with reasonable control to prevent the risks multiplying to affect the health from any hazardous substances use in the workplace. This is an important regulation because there are various substances that can be hazardous to the employee’s health whilst working for example, fumes and gasses from cutting and welding things together, dust from the blasting, various different paints and stripping fluids. There are a large amount of risks whilst performing fabrication and welding. Around 2011/2012 and 2014/2015 there were around 17,000 cases of illness from skin or respiratory conditions. The effect that this regulation should have is to reduce the amount of illnesses and injuries.

This regulation impacts and effect the way that the industry now operates by making them follow these regulation. It requires the company to provide sufficient assessment of the risks on a regular basis checking all of the risks that the substances cause. The employer would need decide what precautions are needed to handle the problem like protective clothing gloves, overalls and front helmet, locking storage areas and keeping them away from the public and having training for staff to use them safely. The company would
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This would be all done to lower the potential risk of anyone getting injured. However If these are not followed there could be serious consequences For example if they are not provided, a welder could potentially get lung disease, it also increases the chance of asthma and cancer and this could cause many companies to be sued and various fines being implemented therefore become costly. HSE statists would rise higher, today it say that around 13,000 Deaths

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