Watching the documentary, Two American Families, was quite emotional for me. I was able to put myself on these families’ shoes. The documentary showed an example of how a lot of ordinary American families live and face the daily struggles of life. These two families shared and endured a lot of things in common. Both families belonged to the middle class, …show more content…
In the Stanley family’s case, Claude was hospitalized, out of work for two months, and slammed with high medical bills. It is a shame that a lot of people in a wealthy country like the United States were not covered by health insurance. It is a scary thought how a family would survive if the head of the household becomes sick, injured, and cannot or unable to work for weeks, months or even years. One of the important things that I noticed is the value of education and obtaining a degree. Having an education is a ticket to a decent and a well-paying job. There was a big difference in the life of Keith versus his dad Claude. Keith was able to obtain a good employment and with decent pay. It’s good to have the skills but I don’t think it is enough to land you a good paying and stable job.
One thing that surprised me was how Daniel and Adam Neumann turned out to be. They have seen how their parents struggled to survive but they repeated the same cycle in their lives. Both young men had kids early, did not finish college, and either living pay check to pay check or unemployed. I am amazed how the Stanley’s faith made them strong and hopeful. Claude was a prime example of not to give up on your life and continue to live life by