The name of his band and all the songs he writes have a deep meaning to them, a meaning deeper than most of us see. Most artists write songs about love and relationships, and while some of his songs are about that, the majority of them are about so much more. Every song has an important meaning relating to struggles of regular people everyday. They are all personal songs. Nowadays, more and more teens and young adults are being diagnosed with depression, and a bunch of other mental illnesses. Tyler brings awareness to them. For example, in the songs “Screen” and “Friend, Please,” Tyler writes, “While you're doing fine, there's some people and I who have a really tough time getting through this life so excuse us …show more content…
“Apollo himself embodied the moderate behavior he espoused. He became the most intellectual and spiritual of the Olympian gods, second in esteem only to Zeus, his father. His thoughtful restraint set him apart from many of the other Olympian gods, who were impetuous and volatile. Gods and men stood in awe of Apollo, respecting and envying his ability to control his emotions and determine his responses.” (57) Tyler is a Christian, and gets almost all of his inspiration for the songs he writes from God. His faith really influences the music he writes. He also plays many different instruments such as the ukulele, the piano, the keytar, the bass guitar, the accordion, and the