“The Struggle for Black Equality” by Harvard Sitkoff, summarizes the key elements in the fight for the civil rights of African Americans from 1954-1980. The book was set up in chronological order, each chapter embodying the new step to gain equality. The first chapter is titled “Up from slavery,” it consists of the small actions that took place slowly to assure the equal rights. By the end of the first chapter, the concept of equal rights was introduced more prominently, opening people's eyes to the problem. Nevertheless, there was still doubt in the system and people who did not agree.…
Hyeon Chung 10/24/17 SSCI 350 Personal Analysis of “In the White Man’s Image” The film “In the White Man’s Image” illustrates how white Americans wanted to civilize Native Americans. Anglo Americans, settlers who colonized United States, encroached on the land and culture of Native Americans. At that time, any hostile or violent behavior toward Whites’ intention was punished severely. Moreover, Whites believed that Native Americans needed to conform to the white way of civilization in order to live in America and thought that the way of life of Native Americans as immoral.…
Assata an autobiography tells the story of Assata Shakur and in doing so shows the many facets of white supremacy within the American culture. White supremacy is not just the Ku Klux Klan spewing rhetoric of being a superior race and all other races being inferior, it more than this because it can affect how one views his or herself within a certain society. Also, Assata Shakur tells what happed in her trial and she recalls her childhood through her college years to show the extent of white supremacy as she removes the veil and sees how things are stacked against her and her fellow brother and sisters. The book starts with a very explicit scene of what occurred on May 2, 1973 on the New Jersey Turnpike.…
Media has capitalized on the white power structure capitalized on white people being superior in certain characteristics, traits, and attributes of other racial backgrounds. Moreover, the effect comes into play is that whiteness becomes hidden as an issue within society. So “by viewing whiteness as a rhetorical construction we avoid searching for any essential nature to witness”(Nakayama & Krizek, 1995). So whiteness is a strategic rhetoric that positions those who are included in a particular way. Subsequncly, this is due to how communication is impoverished within cultures.…
Further, the language used by John A. Macdonald in the Legislative Assembly when describing the formation of a united Canada refers to a union for the benefit of people of “the same blood and lineage” which has obvious racial and cultural implications. The residential school system, the early iterations of the Indian Act that were pioneers…
Martin Luther King once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” Throughout history, countless injustices have been committed against humans, causing significant historical trauma. Differences in ideologies and beliefs between people are a major cause as to why injustices occur. Although Canada is known for its peace and diversity, it was not always like this. Canada’s history has left many victims with the culprit being the Canadian government.…
The source is written by many different authors and it is mainly edited by the 4 authors mentioned above. These authors are one of the best scholars that tackle the controversial ideas of diversity, and Canadian policies. It respectfully challenges the saint idea that multiculturalism is great for Canada, however it does not claim Multiculturalism is actually bad. It continually demonstrates the underlying capability, the conventional restraints and the miniscule disorders of the policies and blinding discourse of multiculturalism.…
Racism has been defined in many ways from judgements and prejudices to actions on racial superiority. While there are many discussions on racism, its’ roots, and the implications on the lived circumstance of those in today’s society, I believe one prominent, modern Africana philosopher has a grasp like no other on the topic. Lewis Gordon describes racism and its dimensions in this quote. “Racism, properly understood, is a denial of the humanity of a group of human beings either on the basis of race or color. This denial, properly executed, requires denying the presence of other human beings in such relations.…
Colonization of Indigenous people resulted in the appropriation of lands and resources for the benefit of early European settlers. Through colonization, there has been an imposition of Western ideology which enforces a patriarchal view that had negative effects for Indigenous women. In this patriarchal system, Indigenous men internalize views of superiority resulting in violent acts on women. These views are illustrated by Sherene Razak, in “Gendered Racial Violence and Spatialized Justice”, by Kim Anderson, in “The Construction of a Negative Identity”, and by Lee Maracle, in her book Ravensong. Therefore, this essay will argue how through spatial segregation, Indigenous women lose entitlement of personhood through state laws and that violence…
The biggest problem with white privilege is the lack of acknowledgment. White privilege is something every white person has. White privilege is advantages white people benefit from on a daily basis. You cannot physically see white privilege therefore some deny the fact that it even exist. There is no denying that if you are white you will always have more advantages than a person of color.…
When individuals are faced with contending loyalties, homogeneity, if it increases, is challenged Canada; allowing the root of multiculturalism and tolerance to grow deeper. Such is seen in the…
All throughout time, people have been divided due to their differences. People who see others that are different from them will often immediately decide that they are “weird” and put those people lower than themselves. According to Linda Holtzman and Leon Sharpe in their passage, “Theories and Constructs of Race,” Race is just a social construct made by humans to exclude people based on what they look like, where they are from, their culture, etc. If scientists were to look at someone’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) compared to another person with, say, different colored skin, they would notice that there is not much of a difference between the two people. Therefore, as Holtzman and Sharpe say, “race is constructed socially, culturally, politically,…
Institutional racism is defined as a form of racism that is expressed in social, political, and economic institutions, discriminating against a certain group of people based on their race. Throughout the history of America institutional racism has been a major issue and key factor to the limited success of black men and women in this country. White privilege has played a major role in the advancement of white over blacks, Northern negroes were made aware that they lived in inferiority to whites (Liparim). Blacks knew that there were goals that white people could get handed, that black people could never reach. Blacks were not able to access the same resources as whites due to being socially and economically discriminated against.…
Since the adoption in 1971, the Multiculturalism policy has been greatly debated about it’s expediency in Canadian society. Founded by settler two settler societies, Canada has been built on a foundation on cultural an ethnic diversity. Today, Canada has certainly become a nation of immigrants, but prior to the European colonization of Canada, a predominately homogenous ethnic group occupied Canada, the Aboriginals (or First Nations Peoples). Today after being dominated by Western European culture, Canada in now the home to a vast array of ethnic and culturally diverse peoples. Defining Canadian identity has proved to be a difficult task.…
In the article “Why Multiculturalism Can’t End Racism” (Word and World, pp.112-116) Marlene Nourbese Philip discusses multiculturalism in Canada and how in her opinion multicultural policies in Canada may promote discrimination rather than end it. Philip discusses the inequality with-in Canada between different cultures and races; one of the main points being that the Canadian government only recognizes English and French in the constitution while omitting Native culture. Philips believes that the Canadian ideology puts importance of white European cultures and values over any other race including but not limited to: Native and African. Examples used to disclose the inequality amongst cultures and preference toward white supremacy are Canada’s…