Theme Of Fear In Animal Farm

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Fear is the most effective means of governing. Fear can be used to manipulate people, bending them to what the person who is using it, wants them to do. Napoleon from the novel, Animal Farm, uses fear and manipulation to keep the others from questioning his orders and how he came to power, and it shows to have a powerful impact. The animals start to see Napoleon as a perfect, all-powerful being that they fear and even end up praising. Controlling others becomes easy when one knows their fears. The fear of someone else can be used to stop questioning in fear of that someone coming back or in threat of that someone. The character Jones in the novel Animal Farm is someone whose existence is utilized by Napoleon in the most beneficial way possible for Napoleon. He uses Jones’ existence to make the animals believe that anything is better than Jones coming back to the farm. When the …show more content…
Napoleon from the novel Animal Farm, uses the animals’ fear of Jones and fear of death to ensure they will do everything he wants. As the pigs start to break the commandments and sleep on human beds, they defend their actions by claiming without them sleeping on the beds, Jones would come back, ““You would not have us too tired to carry out our duties? Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back?”” (p.67). The animals quickly agree that the pigs sleeping on the human beds is better than Jones coming back and drop the matter. Napoleon goes on to kill any animal that claimed to be working with Snowball. “And so the tale of confessions and executions went on, until there was a pile of corpses lying before Napoleon’s feet and the air was heavy with the smell of blood…” (p.84). By showing what happens to animals that work for his “enemy”, Napoleon instills the fear of death into the animals, making sure no animal would dare betray him. By knowing and using the animals; fears, governing is easy and effective for

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