Depression is defined as a mood disorder that consist of extreme sadness for a duration of time (“Depression”). For it to be depression, a person must experience the symptoms almost everyday for a duration of at least two weeks (“Depression”). The more severe the depression …show more content…
One of the signs found in the book, is he has a lot of guilt and anxiety after he creates the monster. This can be seen by him saying, "I dreaded to behold this monster,’ he says, ‘but I feared still more that Henry should see him” (Hobbs 19). During this scene, Frankenstein is leading his friend, Henry, back to his room where just a few hours ago he created the monster. He is continuing to feel guilty about making the monster since he has realized what a horrible mistake he made. However, he is also is experiencing a lot of anxiety about whether or not the monster will be there when he enters his …show more content…
In an experiment with antidepressants, one test group received fake medication and the other group received antidepressants (“Depression: How”). 40 to 60 percent of those with antidepressants said they felt an improvement with their depression and 77 percent of the people who took antidepressants did not experience any relapses at least for the next couple of years (“Depression: How”).
Although antidepressants are very helpful, some people are concerned about the side effects. About half of the people who take antidepressants experience side effects (“Depression: How”). However, most of those side effects are very mild and they included: dry mouth, headaches, and feeling faint (“Depression: How”). Those side effects, also, do not last very long. Mostly they occur in the first few weeks and afterwards they are far less likely to occur (“Depression: How”).
Overall antidepressants can greatly help those experiencing depression. Although antidepressants can be a long process, the outcome of a person feeling like a weight of despair is no longer holding them back, makes the journey worth it. If you or a loved one is experiencing depression it is encouraged to speak to a doctor about taking