The Theme Of Ignorance In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the theme of Ignorance causing people to come up with false conclusions is revealed many times. When people let their ignorance control what they think of other people, that can cause them to be telling other people insulting comments based purely on what they think and know. They never truly express real emotion because they speak on what they know.
An important event in the middle of the text that develops the theme is when Dill leaves the courthouse because of what he witnessed. Scout then starts to chase after him and they run into Mr. Raymond. Mr. Raymond tells scout “You haven’t seen enough of the world yet, you haven’t even seen this town.” He is telling her that she doesn’t know much about the town, rather just things that she has heard about it. He is also saying that she comes up with quick conclusions to everything she talks about. This helps the reader understand how other people see Mr. Raymond. Most people in town base their opinion of him on what they have heard of him. This further connects to the theme by showing us how people’s ignorance causes them to come up with false conclusions.
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He believes that there is enough information to prove that Tom Robinson is not guilty. Atticus then tells his the way that the court system works. Atticus says “ I know, and lots of ‘em probably deserved it, too—but in the absence of eyewitnesses there’s always a doubt, sometimes only the shadow of a doubt. There’s always the possibility, no matter how improbable, that he’s innocent,” Showing the reader that the jury always believes that a black man is guilty in any court case. This further proves how the people of Maycomb are ignorant and will believe the same thing and never change their opinion on a

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