Why Is Adolf Hitler Responsible For The Holocaust

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“Nazis”, another word for terror which refreshes all the wounds in the history of humanity. Everyone in the world connect Nazis to holocaust which is absolutely true, but they aren’t aware of all the steps they took in order to reach to that position where they can get enough trust of people who will not fight back against them. Well, we all know that it didn’t work out well for them and ended up losing their lives as well. Nazis was a group made of Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and some others who wanted all Non-Germans out of Germany. They wanted people who only had blue eyes and blond hair which according to them was a perfect example of true Germans. They were in power from year 1933-1945 in which they tried their best to make everyone’s life not less than hell. Nazis was a group of racist people, who wanted to CLEAN their nation from all the outsiders and prove that they are the ones with superior race. They all came together to diminish the big businesses, capitalism, which soon shifted to killing all the Jews who according to Nazis brought the economy down and further led Germany to losing the World War I. Nazis used a symbol and always greeted with the same manner to probably show their love for their nation. Their symbol was a Swastika which meant auspiciousness (a hope/chance of a favorable outcome) and I guess that’s why Hitler chose this symbol which would always give him moral support for what he wanted to achieve, that was, elimination of non-germans as well as a support for nazi movement. According to archaeology, there is always a motive of why a person does something and in this case, it’s not money, it’s racism and nationalism. As I mentioned earlier, leaders of Nazi Party considered themselves as a higher race, called, Aryan Race, which according to their opinion, gave them enough right to eliminate Jews, handicapped people, homosexuals. Nazis wanted to strengthen their nationalism by purifying the nation by saying that they want pure German lifestyle that Aryans had 1000 years ago. “If you don’t like a rule, just follow it, reach on the top, And Change the rule..”- Adolf Hitler.It’s pretty clear that he definitely used his quote to bring a lot of changes to the German society, which as a result killed Millions of Jews and other groups. Now, you must be wondering that how is all this related to archaeology, what if I tell you that it all started from archaeology. …show more content…
Himmler, who was a commander in the SS (Secret State Police) and Gestapo were responsible for all the concentration camps that were set up to make all the Non-Germans suffer. The moment Hitler became the Chancellor by the President, he built concentration camps to purify Germany by unrequired people. It feels like he was an emotionless person who didn’t care about anyone’s age and everyone in the camps, regardless if it was old, baby, adult. They all were tortured equally and brought to concentration camps in miserable conditions. The concentration camps were set up in such a way that there was 99% chance of them not coming out alive, except for that one percent who would struggle or be strong enough of facing all those treatments and still come out alive. It’s believed that Hitler very smartly during Great Depression turned the whole blame of bringing down the economy onto Jewish. As soon as one of the members of the Nazi party heard about how there are 3 races, they started assuming or relating Aryans (one of the three races) to present German people. Hitler right away commanded that the archaeologists should be sent to find further information or artifacts which can prove that Germans are superior and that they will be the only ones living there. Hitler sent Himmler with some archaeologists to look in that area and try to get some evidences or maybe “create” some!! Himmler started an organisation named Ahnenerbe which means something that has been inherited from forefathers, I feel that by naming that organisation Ahnenerbe he tried to deliver a message that Germany belongs to only Germans as they got

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