The Strings Sparknotes

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Part1- The Strings
Margo Roth Spiegelman and Quentin Jacobsen, two nine-year-old neighbors; were playing at the park, like the usual. Something wasn’t normal, they immediately sensed something out of the ordinary. A dead body as a nine-year-old would; they both rush home, and tell their parents. Quentin is worried and scarred of the sight and is traumatized, unlike Margo on the other hand who is determined and curious to find out what happened; her thoughts drive her to an investigation. Now flashing forward to nine years later, little did Quentin know Margo will climb through his window late at night. Both of them haven’t hanged out since the dead body accident. Margo needs help from Quentin she needs him to drive her around town to vandalize houses, and cars being the “good boy” Quentin is he could never say yes, but his heart can’t wait to spend time with the marvellous Margo; whom he had loved since he was a kid he doesn’t miss this opportunity. After taking revenge on the people of Margo’s choice they break into SeaWorld. After this
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She doesn’t even have to try with her rebellious, bad girl personality. Margo loves living life to the fullest, she often runs away from home. She’s like a mystery, many say she once spent three days traveling the circus, or sneaking backstage at a concert Quentin Jacobsen: he isn’t popular classified as a “nerd “doesn’t stand up for himself, and been bullied by many classmates. Its pretty obvious he’s the exact opposite of Margo; for sure not a risk taker and getting in trouble is last on his list. Quentin has plans of getting into a good university landing a perfect job, and living his life as planned (which Margo does not believe in.) As for him and Margo they have no relationship, but he has loved Margo for a long time secretly. He knows Margo and him have no chance of being together, but he still can dream.

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