Anabolic Steroid Abuse

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Steroid abusers subject themselves to over 70 different side effects that ranged from acne to severity sides such as cancer. Anabolic steroids are known as enhancing drugs that are used for natural and synthetic substances. There are different kinds of steroids that have different functions. The functions can range from increased muscle mass, stimulants, weight control and etc. When steroids was introduced into sports in the late 1950’s the use of anabolic steroids has been a controversial issue. People have been known to use steroids for different reason, yet there are effects that can cause lifelong damages.

Millions of Americans often use shortcuts to obtain larger muscles and build their endurance with the use of anabolic steroids and
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There have been studies to prove that when used in high doses anabolic steroids can cause high irritability and aggression. There has also been studies to suggest that the behavioral effects from steroid abuse result from secondary hormonal changes (Drugabuse). In an attempt to study the association of anabolic steroids scientist administered high doses for days/weeks to volunteers to study the behavioral changes. There were four studies conducted which resulted in three having some correlation between the drug and high irritation and aggression. The studies showed that the correlation between violence and behavior disorders and steroid abuse is unknown (Drugabuse). There are health complication with the use of steroid abuse along with the behavioral disorders so there are unreported or unrecognized cases of the violence/behavioral disorders. When it comes to the unreported/unrecognized cases there have been evidence where steroid users have used other drugs to counteract the side effects of anabolic steroids. On 1999 in a private study of 277 men, there was a 9.3 percent of men who had abused anabolic steroids. In the 9.3 percent, 86 percent of them used opioids to counteract the insomnia and irritability coming from the drugs …show more content…
There has been growing efforts to help athletes and individuals become more aware of the dangers associated with the use of steroids. When it comes to educating people on steroid abuse there is no way to escape hearing the stories that come with it, what the drug has done to people and what happens even after the prolonged use. There is a long list of known harmful side effects that comes from steroids, that would naturally make individuals steer away from it, if they knew the consequences in taking the drug. It is ironic that the purpose of the drug was to enhance the body’s performance and stature, not damage it in the long run. In today’s competitions there are strict regulations which causes athletes to think before using steroids. Including the strict regulations it is impossible for athletes to obtain anabolic steroids because of the non-medical distribution in

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