Like many constellations, Scorpius also has a creation myth from either the Greeks, Romans, or other civilizations in the past. The creation myth of Scorpius is based on two Greek creation stories. The first version of the story is that the hunter, Orion claimed that he could and would kill any wild animal. This upset the Universe. So she then sent the scorpion after Orion that stung and killed him almost instantly. In the other version of the story, the Scorpius was created by the Greek Goddess, Artemis that sent the scorpion after Orion after he tried to rape her. It is also said today that Orion is running away every time the constellation Scorpius is rising. …show more content…
She was known to to get mad very easily, and when she got mad, she would turn red and her body would begin to quake. When her body shook, the skin of her body would begin to form cracks. This seemed to run in Scorpia's family, especially in then women. They would shake and quake until the cracks in their body would finally form all over their bodies and they would eventually explode, their body particles floating into the night sky. The men noticed that the sky would become brighter every time they flew up. The women of the family had become