Stargazing 101: Taurus the Bull Taurus is among one of the oldest constellations recognized by human civilization. The bull, in many ancient cultures, is a symbol of strength and fertility. It is very prominent in Greek mythology, and many stars in the constellation are also significant. The Mythology As we’ve learned, Zeus had an insatiable lust for beautiful women.…
The Wolf is my favorite constellation. I like the Wolf because wolves represent strength and wisdom. The Wolf constellation is better known as the Lupus constellation. Lupus is surrounded by five other constellations; Scorpius, Norma, Circus, Libra, and Centaurus. Lupus was once thought to be a part of Centaurus but later was recognized as its own constellation.…
Alexandra Coffin Dr. Farren World Literature September 19, 2015 “They are called capaill uisce”: Use of Symbolism in The Scorpio Races On the island of Thisby, in the month of November the Scorpio Races happen. A race to the finish line all you have to do is beat out the rest of the water horses mythical creatures with raging tempers. On one hand there is Sean Kendrick the last winner of the races, but the other is Puck Connolly an interesting young girl who has a normal horse and lives with no parents and her two brothers.…
“Artemis, with Wildflowers” by Ani King, is the recreation of a myth, originated in Ancient Greece. Artemis was the goddess of hunting, the best archer amongst gods and men, protector of forests and virginity. She was also the twin sister of Apollo, the god of sun. Orion was a giant, who had explicit skills on archery and therefore on hunting, a fact that made him the only man Artemis would ever fell for. Artemis’ jealous twin Apollo, tricked his sister so she would end up killing Orion with a far-shot.…
The Electrifying Scorpio Races The folklore surrounding the mysterious water horse myth has always captured my fascination. Maggie Stiefvater 's The Scorpio Races takes this exceedingly ancient folktale and beguiles audience 's with her own unique retelling. There are decidedly few authors that can write in such a way that not only makes readers envision the setting, but she transports us there. Stiefvater 's opening of The Scorpio Races is both thrilling, and yet haunting with the declaration that someone will die on this day.…
Athena is described in this report as the wisest, most resourceful and most courageous goddess of all the Olympians. Her main areas of expertise include “wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, warfare, strength, strategy, female arts, crafts, [and] justice”. Zeus, her father, treasured her greatly, as he trusted her with his thunderbolt and his shield with a depiction of the head of Medusa on it. The symbol of Athena is the Owl, a nocturnal bird associated with intelligence and wisdom. Furthermore, she has created countless tools for her people and humanity as a whole.…
Astronomy is an ongoing process. It is always changing and improving as we discover new stellar objects and use more advanced technology. For example, people once believed that the Earth was flat, and the sun and other planets orbited around us. As we advanced in technology, we proved both of these ideas to be false. Even today there is still work to be done, ideas and theories to confirm and disprove, and plenty of other things to explore.…
Maggie Stiefvater’s The Scorpio Races tells the story of countless trainers who race to convert majestic beasts of the ocean into mindless machines for entertainment and profit. To be more specific, the races are composed of catching and selling the horse-like beasts as soon as they mysteriously emerge from the sea. They’re then trained using tactics that cause them panic and pain, in attempt to break them of their own free will. These creatures are strong and fierce; far too powerful for a mere human to bond with as if it were a horse.…
My favorite constellation is the Cetus or 'whale' because I think it looks more like a frying pan than a whale. The Cetus is a constellation made up of 88 stars and the brightest star is called Deneb Kaitos. The Cetus is very close to the other zodiac constellations such as Aries, Pisces and Aquarius. The creation story of the Cetus constellation stems from Greek mythology. In this story the Cetus is called a Sea Monster and not a whale.…
As revenge for stealing fire and tricking him, Zeus had an eagle forever chew at Prometheus’ liver while he was bound to a rock (Lenzi and Mitcham 1523). Zeus was furious that Prometheus gave man fire, so he made a decision to inflict a dreadful punishment on Prometheus and the humans (Hunt 1). He viewed Prometheus as a criminal for rebelling against him even though his disrespectful actions were to help the humans that he had created. Equality was also harshly judged by his peers. “Yes, we have much to say to a wretch who have broken all the laws and who boast of their infamy!…
Athena Lallianpuii Class-8 B Roll No.-17 I.T ASSIGNMENT Athena was the goddess of War and Wisdom. Her symbols are owls, olive trees, armors, helmets and spears. She has many siblings including Aphrodite, Hermes, Apollo, Helen of Troy, Perseus and Artemis.…
Draco is a constellation that is seen in the Northern Skies. He was first documented by a Greek astronomer by the name of Ptolemy in the second century. In Latin Draco means Dragon and the constellation is a presentation of the dragon Ladon that is the guardian of a garden with the help of the Hesperides in Greek Mythology ( The constellation is also said to flip as the year goes on. During the summer seasons it will appear one way while in the winter it is seen the other way.…
The problem between Leo and Stargirl was not that he didn’t love her. Because he walked around most the time in a love daze also in the end of the book he said that she was all he thought about. Leo said and i quote “ Just two weeks before , i had found out she knew my name, and now i was loopy with love.” , “ I was floating “ , “ I floated up the white light that washed my sheets and slept on the moon” , “ In school i was a yellow balloon , smiling and lazy floating above the classrooms.” He soon realized he liked her and had no clue why .…
“Oi, Malfoy, you seen this?” Ethan Goldstein, a boy in the year above, asked, shoving a piece of parchment into Scorpius’s face. Scorpius took it as politely as he could and saw that it was the prefect patrol list for that year. Professor Mayweather, the headmistress, had allocated the prefect position to Scorpius, which, inevitably, caused some uproar. What most students didn’t know was that Professor Mayweather had literally offered the position to every other Slytherin boy there was, but they all turned it down.…