In the article “Ethical Issues of Cloning” by Rita Putatunda explains about the problems of cloning. Copying the genes and making new reproductions of the human is equivalent to “playing God”. The successful cloning of Dolly (Sheep) in 1997 brings many tension upon society and furthers the possibility of human cloning. However, there is a high failure rate of cloning and it may alter the genes of the cloned animal/human. Putatunda questions that the cloning outcome might act as a unique individual or have to live like a genetic prisoner.…
The reproductive cloning technique that was used to create Dolly the sheep in 1997, is the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). This method produces an exact genetic copy or clone of an individual. First they take the mammary gland cells from a cell donor sheep. Then the cultured mammary cells are semi starved, which stops the cell cycle and caused the dedifferentiation. Secondly they take an egg cell from an ovary from a sheep egg cell donor.…
“More than 123,000 people are waiting for organ transplants. Some won’t receive a transplant in time, some suffer through years of pain and medical care before finally receiving the transplant they need, and others are rejected the opportunity of a transplant because they don’t meet the criteria. The average waiting time for a heart transplant is 4 years, a kidney transplant 5 years, and a liver transplant 11 years,” (Life Donor Program). Although theologians, politicians, preachers, and the medical community wrestle with the ethical ramifications of therapeutic cloning, the medical benefits outweigh the ethical concerns. Due to the research and technology today, scientists have learned that they are able to take stem cells from a patient and grow organs and tissue that are explicit to their own DNA so there’s no risk of rejection.…
In science, cloning is defined as the processes used to create copies of fragments of DNA, cells or organisms. Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. A clone is an organism that has generally identical genetic composition to another organism. Cloning could happen artificially, which is done in a lab or naturally, which is the case in identical twins. Cloning is broken down into three different types: gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning.…
Summary/Response: “Human Reproductive Cloning: A Conflict of Liberties.” In this article “Human Reproductive Cloning: A Conflict of Liberties,” Joyce C. Havstad’s conflict is if cloning becomes safe and reliable, people should be able to have reproductive freedom. The author explained that promoters of human cloning know that it may lead to harmful characteristics. Instead of positively promoting human cloning they explain the causes and effects that could take place.…
Furthermore, “because of what cloning is, one cannot presume a future cloned child’s consent to be a clone, even a healthy one. Thus, ethically speaking, we cannot even get to know whether or not human cloning is feasible.” Kass argues that there must be boundaries with what mankind can and cannot…
One of the most debated topics in science is the use embryonic stem cells in scientific research. The ethical debate surrounding embryonic stem cell research comes down to two core values that we want to uphold: the alleviation of human suffering and preserving the inherent value of human life. Embryonic stem cell research is such a tricky topic because it requires us to choose between these two core values. We cannot uphold both values because the alleviation of suffering in this case is accomplished by the destruction of a human embryo, which would normally have the potential to develop into a new individual. Thus, we must fully examine both sides of the argument in order to understand the ethical implications of this issue.…
By comparing the process of embryonic stem cell research to that of adult stem cell research, it is shown that adult stem cell research is considered more right than embryonic stem cell research because adult stem cell research doesn’t cause harm to embryos, as compared to embryonic stem cell research. The fact that adult stem cell research doesn’t cause harm to embryos is reason enough for the majority of the public to support adult stem cell research, rather than embryonic stem cell research. Additionally, William Saunders states that “...the production of human beings for the sake of experimentation, research, or the harvesting of organs is morally wrong. Human beings are not disposable biological material.” (Saunders 2).…
One specific issue with embryonic stem cell research is that human embryos are required to be harvested and destroyed in order to obtain the embryonic stem cells that are vital for research. In the primary source “Ethical and Social Considerations of Embryonic Stem Cell Research” Anne Mclaren, the author of this article and a current English geneticist, bioethicist and graduate of the university of Oxford, describes…
Science borders a fine line between knowledge and creation, often on the verge of an ethical predicament. Embryonic stem cell research violates the moral ethical standard which scientists must meticulously follow. Those who are against the research are aware of the significance of morals within the scientific community. The sacrifice of one’s potential life for the theoretical medical alleviation of one’s condition entails turning a blind eye from the embryo. An embryo is an unborn child, capable of developing into a unique individual, “Either the embryo is viewed as a person whilst it is still an embryo, or it is seen as a potential person.…
The President's Council on Bio ethics, Human Cloning and…
Although many religious and conservation organizations find therapeutic cloning unacceptable and unethical, the process can be very rewarding for curing diseases that are otherwise untreatable. Every ten…
Utilitarianism This story addressees cloning. In a utilitarian’s viewpoint, it may be a good thing. It does aid in prolonging the life of the individuals cloned. It also can help in that, those who are cloned can go on with life not just for themselves but to continue in society contributing to the society as a whole.…
In the case of human cloning, such failures would result in abortions, miscarriages, or births of malformed or diseased individuals. These results are considered unacceptable by all current ethical standards (DOC: Cloning). Therapeutic cloning is a genetic material extracted from an adult cell is placed in use inside of nuclei egg, to produce the cloning gene for cures for diseases. This is true, but therapeutic cloning also involves the destruction of an embryo to treat another person, and the destruction of one person to benefit another is immoral.…
Cloning is a process by which identical cells are produced from preexisting cells. The two current types of human cloning come in the form of human reproductive cloning and human therapeutic cloning. As with any new technology, both present unique benefits and potential detriments. On July 5th, 1996, Dolly, the first ever cloned sheep, was born through a reproductive cloning method known as somatic cell nuclear transfer or SCNT (Vos). SCNT involves taking an ovum that has had its nucleus removed, injecting a nucleus from a donor, and then developing the cell into a full, genetically identical organism to the donor through a surrogate (Stocum).…