The Pros And Cons Of Therapeutic Cloning

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In science, cloning is defined as the processes used to create copies of fragments of DNA, cells or organisms. Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. A clone is an organism that has generally identical genetic composition to another organism. Cloning could happen artificially, which is done in a lab or naturally, which is the case in identical twins. Cloning is broken down into three different types: gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning makes copies of genes or pieces of DNA. Reproductive cloning makes copies of the animals as a whole. Therapeutic cloning makes embryonic stem cells for experiments to create tissues to replace tissue that has been affected by disease or …show more content…
I personally believe that cloning could be both a good and bad thing, and both sides make absolutely great points in their arguments. However, I believe that we should be able to have the choice whether or not we want to contribute to it or if we do not. Nevertheless, I think it depends on the reasoning you have for wanting and/or needing cloning done. I do believe that not all forms are ethically correct. I do agree with therapeutic cloning, as it could help people who may have cancer of a certain organ, that way they can clone the organ and just receive it instead of being put on a waiting list to find a potential match. The medical advances we could have makes it hard to say that it is wrong. I also think that reproductive cloning should be legally okay. Many women these days are deemed infertile by a doctor, there unable to conceive by themselves. With the help of human cloning, it is possible for women to have the chance to carry their own child and not have to use a surrogate mother. That really gives you a perspective on how important cloning could be to someone. The downside to that though is the cost. I could see the government only accepting cloning so that they could control it and get more money. That is one reason I would like to keep it banned. The most important reason I would like to keep it banned is because we do not know whether or not it is safe enough to do for humans. We have had plenty of practice on animals, but no one to confirm whether or not this will work for the best. I believe that still is not enough to know for sure whether the outcome outweighs the risk. I think that once we get more information on cloning and practice perhaps on someone who is near death and is donating their body to

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