In the case of human cloning, such failures would result in abortions, miscarriages, or births of malformed or diseased individuals. These results are considered unacceptable by all current ethical standards (DOC: Cloning). Therapeutic cloning is a genetic material extracted from an adult cell is placed in use inside of nuclei egg, to produce the cloning gene for cures for diseases. This is true, but therapeutic cloning also involves the destruction of an embryo to treat another person, and the destruction of one person to benefit another is immoral.
In the case of human cloning, such failures would result in abortions, miscarriages, or births of malformed or diseased individuals. These results are considered unacceptable by all current ethical standards (DOC: Cloning). Therapeutic cloning is a genetic material extracted from an adult cell is placed in use inside of nuclei egg, to produce the cloning gene for cures for diseases. This is true, but therapeutic cloning also involves the destruction of an embryo to treat another person, and the destruction of one person to benefit another is immoral.