The Role Of Propaganda In Animal Farm

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In the book “Animal Farm”, it uses a lot of propaganda. The meaning of propaganda is, “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. There are many different kinds of propaganda that are seen in Animal farm that can distinguish in today’s world of politics. Usually it will be seen in political debates or advertising and really anyone could use propaganda if they know how to. The fundamental types of propaganda seen in Animal Farm are card stacking, glittering generalities, and name calling. These types of propaganda are used most in Animal Farm. These types can also be seen in the world today and many more. The first big type of propaganda seen in animal farm was card stacking. Card stacking is a form of Ethos propaganda. Ethos propaganda is when someone tries to persuade others that they are trustworthy and experienced. Card stacking is when someone only presents information that is positive to a proposal and excluding information that is contrary such as Snowball, the second in command of the animal farm. In the book “Animal Farm” on page forty-four, Snowball talks all about the plans for the windmill and how it would “operate a dynamo and supply the farm with electrical power. This would light the stalls and warm them in winter, and would also run a circular saw,a chaff-cutter, a mangel-slicer, and an electric milking machine” Snowball uses cardstacking to get the animals attention so later he could possibly become a leader. This kind of propaganda is visible in the real world in the form of medical advertisements and political polls. Card stacking is used in medical advertisements when they present all of the great influences and changes it will make in a person’s life which will result in leaving out most of the crucial information. This type of propaganda is also used in the presidential debates. For example, the candidates use this kind of propaganda by only presenting the great things that they plan to do for the country. One widely used propaganda technique is glittering generalities. This type of propaganda is when words that have different positive meaning for individual subjects, but are linked to highly valued concepts. Glittering generalities is a form of pathos propaganda. An example of this is seen on page sixty-seven of “Animal Farm”, Moses the raven talks all about sugarcandy mountain. He says, “Up there, comrades, just on the other side of that dark cloud that you can see-there it lies, Sugarcandy Mountain, that happy country where we poor animals shall rest forever from our labours!” This is definitely seen in the real world, for example, Donald Trump. One of his sayings in the presidential election is “make America great again”. He his telling …show more content…
An author named. Used all kinds of propaganda that can be compared to the rest of the world. He did that to show how bad Russians leaders were treating their people. In his book, he used three main types of propaganda that make all other propaganda techniques. These types are ethos, pathos, and logos. Also, some of the fundamental techniques that he uses are cardstacking, glittering generalities, and name calling. Like it says in the first paragraph, propaganda is biased or misleading. People use this to trick people into buying their product or to get people to agree with their point of

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