An author named. Used all kinds of propaganda that can be compared to the rest of the world. He did that to show how bad Russians leaders were treating their people. In his book, he used three main types of propaganda that make all other propaganda techniques. These types are ethos, pathos, and logos. Also, some of the fundamental techniques that he uses are cardstacking, glittering generalities, and name calling. Like it says in the first paragraph, propaganda is biased or misleading. People use this to trick people into buying their product or to get people to agree with their point of
An author named. Used all kinds of propaganda that can be compared to the rest of the world. He did that to show how bad Russians leaders were treating their people. In his book, he used three main types of propaganda that make all other propaganda techniques. These types are ethos, pathos, and logos. Also, some of the fundamental techniques that he uses are cardstacking, glittering generalities, and name calling. Like it says in the first paragraph, propaganda is biased or misleading. People use this to trick people into buying their product or to get people to agree with their point of