Simon recounted a CNN hosted a town hall event called CNN’s Guns Under Fire: An AC360 Town Hall Special. There was a panel of experts from both sides of the gun control issue. The panel included NRA board members and others from all views on the issue of gun control. Adardeep Kaleka and law enforcement representatives were also at the event. Ms. Simon is making a Claim of Value by using expert’s comments to show approval for the common ground and the need for stricter gun control. Many gun control advocates believe that limiting access to guns by performing tougher background checks and making it harder to get guns by placing restrictions on gun show sales, America will be a more peaceful, safe, and happy nation. The National Rifle Associate (NRA) says they are not against background checks; they are in favor of making sure the laws that are currently on the books should be more strictly enforced (Simon par. 20) and currently working (Simon par. …show more content…
She made a convincing argument for the need to find a middle ground in the gun debate. Her use of firsthand accounts of victims of gun violence lent an emotional appeal to the reader. She used multiple eyewitnesses and quoted many sources. The article conveyed that there can be common ground and cooperation when discussing how to prevent gun violence. Ms. Simon’s warrant that there should be stricter gun control was supported by the claim that tougher gun laws would be helpful in reducing violence. The article is very effective at appealing to the logic and reasoning of the reader. Even those who do not agree with the author will be able to understand why some feel so strongly about tougher gun control