The Real Atticus Finch Character Analysis

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The Real Atticus Finch
In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, it contains a character whom has many different character traits. He’s a father of two and a lawyer in Maycomb County, and is a brave, wise, and admirable character. He goes by the name of Atticus Finch. Throughout the novel, Atticus proves to readers that he is a man of his words and will stand up for what he believes in. His son, Jem Finch, and daughter, Jean Louis Finch (Scout), both look up to him as he believes that all are created equal.
Atticus is a brave character because he stayed overnight at the jail house with Tom Robinson to make sure he was safe and protected. In the meantime, two car loads of angry men show up to the jail planning to kill Tom. In the story, it states a man who approached Atticus swiftly saying, ‘’He in there, Mr.
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Finch?’’ it also states Atticus replying ‘’He is and he’s asleep. Don’t wake him up!’’(Lee 202) Atticus took a risk of not only getting killed. This is one way Atticus proves he’s brave. Another way Atticus proves he’s brave, is when he took on Tom’s case. During the Great Depression and in Maycomb County, White’s never defended blacks. Atticus, however, is not like all the others in Maycomb County and believes all men are created equal in court. Therefore, defending Tom was a risk taker for Atticus. In the story, Atticus’ reason for defending Tom was, ‘’the main one is, if I didn’t, I couldn’t hold my head up in town and I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature.’’ (Lee 100) Atticus says this with faith and belief in Tom’s case--which proves he is a brave person. Atticus Finch is not only brave, but he is also wise. This is proven when Atticus is questioning Mayella during the case. Atticus is smart and knows Bob and Mayella Ewell are lying on Tom, which forces him to take on the case of the innocent and missed judged black guy, Tom Robinson. In the novel, it states Atticus asking Mayella questions about the ‘’rape’’. ‘’… Do you love your father, Miss Mayella?’’ ‘’Love him. Whatcha mean? ‘’I mean is he good to you, is he easy to get along with?’’ ‘’He does tollable, ‘cept when-‘’ ‘’except when?’’ “Except when nothing, I said he does tollable.” “Except when he’s drinking?” (Lee 245) Atticus chooses to ask these questions to try and find out how Bob Ewell treats Mayella, his daughter, at home. This shows how wise Atticus is because he gets information from the witnesses without them thinking that’s what he is doing. Atticus is capable of many different things. He is really good at what he does and that requires wisdom. This shows readers how wise Atticus Finch really is. However, Atticus shows he’s a wise character when he gives Scout and Jem advice on why people should not judge others depending on how they appear. In the story, it states Atticus saying, “… You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” “– Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” (Lee 39) Atticus is wise by telling this to Scout and letting her know that she has no right of judging the Ewell and Cunningham family without understanding their reasons for what and how they do something. This is wise because he is teaching his daughter the right way and he’s using legitable reasoning. Finally, Atticus also shows himself as admirable. He’s the type of man/father that does things as they’re supposed to be done. In the novel, it states Atticus shooting the mad dog, Tim Johnson, and saving the Maycomb County from …show more content…
With her incredible knowledge, she was able to express Atticus’ characteristics throughout the novel with every little problem that occurred. Harper Lee wrote this book to inform readers how life was during the Great Depression, but also to tell readers that not everyone is the same. There will always be somebody who will do the right thing even if they are inside the crowd with those who will do wrong. In my opinion, Harper Lee wanted people to know that there’s always a little good out of the

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