Moreover, Atticus is a courageous character in the story because he defended Tom Robinson (a black man) even when he was almost positive they would lose. Atticus sums up his own definition of courage, he said that “Courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and see it through, no matter what”. Mr. Finch went against everyone and defended Tom Robinson. Atticus even stayed outside of the jail to help protect Tom before his trial. Miss …show more content…
Bob Ewell spit in his face, called him names, and cursed at him. Bob was looking for a fight to try and get back at him for defending Tom. Atticus just says that “I wish Bob Ewell didn’t chew tobacco” pg. 217 after Mr. Ewell spits in his face. He just walks away. Bob yells and asks why Atticus would fight him, and he tells him that he is just simply too old to fight. He even taught his kids that they shouldn’t fight anyone, no matter what.
Ordinarily, Atticus had the courage to go against everyone in Maycomb. He went against their “code” just like Mayella Ewell. He went against everyone's beliefs in the town of Maycomb. His own family did not like the fact that he was defending an African American. Francis told Atticus’ daughter Scout that “Grandma said that it's bad enough that Atticus lets you all run wild, but now he turned out a nigger-lover. We’ll never be able to walk the streets of Maycomb again, he’s ruining this family.” pg. 83 Atticus didn't listen to those who were against him. Furthermore, Atticus is courageous because he went against the town’s “code”. He defended Tom Robinson when he knew they would lose. Also, Atticus was mature enough to know when not to