“...an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess..” Marching band meets this qualification. Though it may seem like the marchers are just walking around the field, that is normally not the case. Some may argue that marching band does not have enough activity to be a sport, but when they say that, they are comparing the amount of exercise to the amount needed for a sport such as soccer, baseball, or football. Many people often forget that there are …show more content…
In competitions, there are certain rules that apply. In the scholastic marching band program, popular for many high school bands, it has an page on their website to state the rules. An example is “A show length that is under the seven-minute minimum or over the eleven-minute maximum will be assessed a two tenths (.2) deduction for every ten (10) second increment.” (Scholastic Marching Bands). While this rule may look different than many sports rules, keep in mind that there are a huge variety of sports out there, and they are all bound to have very different