Rise of the Planet of the Apes is set in San Francisco. Actor James France who played Will Rodman is s scientist who creates a drug that grows new brain cells. The drug was meant to cure Alzheimer’s. In The movie Rodman adopts an ape named Cesar who is eventually exposed to the drug which led to signs of human intelligence. …show more content…
The drug Cesar was exposed to did not suddenly give him human like intelligence, it was years of development that had taken place. Conflict began to develop in Cesar between the world of nature which he had always known and the world of human society which was all so new to him. Cesar’s mistreatment by cruel humans and an old handler named Dodge gives explanation of why the apes eventually turn against humans
The movie has exceptional Camera work and special effects which really bring out the emotions in the movie. The special effects have come a long way since the 1968 film. Rather than wearing masks, the updated movies used motion capture computer graphics which made the characters look real and the scenes flawless. Not only did the movie have extraordinary graphics, the movie also had very emotionally relationships such as the one between Cesar and Will.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes is hardly a perfect movie. The movie is entertaining and thoughtful. The movie delivers a solid plot, amazing special effects, and also engaging relationships. This movie is well worth