One of the most important parts of the primate evolution is when the primates changed in body structure and locomotion. Although some may say that the origin of the human bipedalism is a persistent mystery (Gebo 1996); however, the evolution of bipedalism began in order to survive through climate changes, be able to hunt their food and get away from danger in order to survive. Primate locomotion can be classified into four major types: vertical clinging and leaping, quadrupedalism, brachiating and bipedalism (Groves, 2014). Over the millions of years, primates have been adapting to the changing environment therefore improving the structure of their bodies and speed (“Evolution …show more content…
Both of these species are members of the Hominoid family. Although some people may find it difficult to accept, Apes have been said to be the ancestors of humans (O’Neil 2012). The apes and human are different from any other primate because they do not have tails. But the African apes and humans have essentially the same arrangement of internal organs, and share the same bones (O’Neil, 2012). They also have hands with thumbs that are sufficiently separate from the other fingers to allow them to be opposable for precision grips. The difference between humans and apes is our way of bipedalism. The body changed in locomotion because of evolution. Apes have developed heavier bodies weighing more than a normal primate. With thicker bodies and muscle tissue, Apes are covered in fur, which developed from being able to survive in a cold habitat (O’Neil, 2009). They can be found all over the world. An ape that normally walks on all four using their knuckles to support their weight, is the Chimpanzee (Debalfa, 2011). But they also do stand and walk upright using bipedal locomotion. Chimpanzees move efficiently in the trees by swinging from branch to branch. Their locomotion has been influenced by their varied environment, spending much of their time on the ground, but sleep in trees and often eat in them as well. Unlike apes, humans began developing elongated spines. The man’s arms are shorter and weaker compared to the legs. A human’s feet no longer had the grasping ability that once used to grasp and held objects (O’Neil, 2012). A big evolution change for a human’s locomotion was the modification of the human pelvis and spinal column to get a posture, providing a greater stability to walk and run. Which helped them survive over the years by using their speed to catch their food and potentially get away from