Coincidently, both Wes’ grew up without a father figure in their lives. Wes the author’s, father died in front of him when he was only three years old. The other Wes’s father chose to leave him and his mother Mary when Wes was born. Both Wes’ lacked a father figure in their lives to act as a role model for them and as a result, they both turned to other people in their lives to act as their role models. Joy, Wes the author’s mother, significantly influenced her son as he grew up fatherless. She always wanted the best for Wes and made enormous sacrifices to ensure a better life for her son. She worked two jobs and used up almost all of her money to …show more content…
The other Wes’ mother tried very hard to give her son the best; however, she was forced to drop out of college because she had Wes at a young age and without his father around she simply could not make ends meet. The other Wes did not have a strong parental influence and so his older brother Tony became his role model growing up. Unfortunately, Tony was caught up in the drug game in Baltimore and although he tried to steer his younger brother, Wes, away from this lifestyle, Tony’s lifestyle ultimately influenced him towards a similar life corrupted by drugs and