In the book, the families of the two different Wes’ have a major impact on their life and their future. The author of the book grows up with a mother named Joy that is dedicated to taking care of him, providing for him, and teaching him right and wrong. She makes many sacrifices for her children so they can …show more content…
Joy moves her family to live with their grandparents and earns money to send Wes to a private school. Joy knows that education will play a big role in Wes’ future, and she always pushes him to do his best in school. His grandfather also set an example for Wes. “The first step along that road was to leave his new bride and his homeland to attend Lincoln University, a historically black college in Pennsylvania,” (Moore 41). His grandfather made the choice to leave his family to go to school so he could provide a better life for his wife and kids. Wes saw how this one decision his grandfather made changed his life and made him a better man, husband, and father. His mother and grandparents were instrumental in getting Wes into Valley Forge Military School. Military school taught Wes how to respect others and earn respect. The other Wes doesn’t take school seriously. He only goes to hang out with his peers, that have a bad influence on him. “Wes went back to school immediately after leaving the juvenile detention facility... but he knew that he would not last long,” (Moore 110). Wes knew he was slacking in school, but he was not willing to put in the work to improve, he also didn’t have anyone that was willing to help him improve. Another key concept as to why the two Wes’ ended up with different lives was drug and alcohol abuse. Both Wes Moores were born in Baltimore, where many drug and alcohol related crimes occurred. Wes the author knew that getting involved would lead to trouble because his mom taught him to stay away from them. But the other Wes didn’t understand how bad they were because his brother Tony was involved in dealing drugs and Wes found weed in his mother’s room. He not only used drugs but also was wrapped up in selling