What Is The Difference Between Wes Moore And The Other

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In life, two people can start out the same, but end up in completely different places. They could have a similar background, get raised the same way, and even have a similar lifestyle. But they don’t always end up in the same place. For the author, Wes Moore, he discovered someone with the same name, same upbringing, etc. whose life was completely different from his. The difference between the author and the “other” Wes Moore, is the mindset and the decisions they made. They both had a rough childhood, but your expectations, determination, and mindset could completely change the course of your life. Growing up and throughout their lives, the author, and the “other” Wes Moore had figures in their life that they looked up to. Both in a positive …show more content…
For Wes and the other Wes, getting involved in illegal activity was the norm. So as they got older, they didn’t think that they could do anything better with their life instead of joining the drug game. Also, since the other Wes’s brother, Tony, is in the game, Wes probably felt like he should follow in his footsteps. Then for the author, Wes felt the need to fit in with his friends and did graffiti, etc.. One day, as Wes was tagging another wall with his street name, “Kid Kupid”, he got caught by the police, and luckily for him, he got let off with a warning. Sooner or later Wes learned his lesson, but unfortunately for the other Wes, he never changed. The other Wes’s whole life was filled with crime, because that’s all he ever did. Though he did try to change, he never fell through with it. On the other hand, leading up to these situations, was the decisions they made. In the end, the author made decisions that aren’t exactly admirable, but respectable, also with the help of his family. For the other Wes, his decisions ultimately led to him spending his life in jail. Overall, the author and the other Wes’s lives ended completely different, yet started out similar. This just shows how much you can achieve when you have the right people in your life to help you, and have that determination to succeed. Otherwise, if you don’t give it all you’ve got, and expect the worst for you,

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