Three theories that relate back to “The Other Wes Moore,” are containment theory, differential association theory and imitation theory. In Chapter 7 of the text book, containment theory is explained as, “the assumption that internal and external controls exist… pushes from within the individual, such as resentment, hostility, and anger, along with outer pulls, such as poverty, discrimination, and associating with delinquents or gang members, may induce a person toward criminal behavior” (Anderson, 2015, p. 178). Basically, there are multiple factors that may steer a person to get involved in criminal behavior, including mental characteristics, and also sociological factors. This theory goes hand-in-hand with The Other Wes Moore because in the book, both Wes’ had outer pulls, which included poverty, an upbringing in bad neighborhoods, and fatherless households. The two main characters also had internal pulls, for example, the Other Wes Moore let his anger get the best of him multiple times which led him to be arrested; pulling him into criminal behavior. Also, the author almost had too much pride to let his mother tell him what to do, which led him to get involved with drug
Three theories that relate back to “The Other Wes Moore,” are containment theory, differential association theory and imitation theory. In Chapter 7 of the text book, containment theory is explained as, “the assumption that internal and external controls exist… pushes from within the individual, such as resentment, hostility, and anger, along with outer pulls, such as poverty, discrimination, and associating with delinquents or gang members, may induce a person toward criminal behavior” (Anderson, 2015, p. 178). Basically, there are multiple factors that may steer a person to get involved in criminal behavior, including mental characteristics, and also sociological factors. This theory goes hand-in-hand with The Other Wes Moore because in the book, both Wes’ had outer pulls, which included poverty, an upbringing in bad neighborhoods, and fatherless households. The two main characters also had internal pulls, for example, the Other Wes Moore let his anger get the best of him multiple times which led him to be arrested; pulling him into criminal behavior. Also, the author almost had too much pride to let his mother tell him what to do, which led him to get involved with drug