The Onion Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Improved Essays
Have you ever fallen for strategies to a producer that is trying to make you buy his product? Usually, consumers are obvious to the strategies that are used to persuade them into products. In this article, the author of The Onion mocks rhetorical strategies that consumer’s often fall for when buying an item. By using different strategies to the audience, the author hopes to expand consumer’s knowledge so they won't be fooled. Using these strategies help marketers to sell their product easier without questions. In the mock press release published by The Onion, the author explains how consumer’s are lured into products too easily by using ethos, unrecognizable diction, and an exclamatory yet convincing tone. In his attempt to persuade the audience, the author presents how marketing producers convince consumer’s to buy their product through ethos. Ethos is conveyed with professionals thoughts when explaining how the product is one of a kind. Dr.Arthur Bluni, the pseudoscientist who developed the product for Massillon-based …show more content…
The author uses exclamatory phrases when he states how his product is one of a kind. According to The Onion, “What makes MagnaSoles different from other insoles is the way it harnesses the power of magnetisms.” Because MagnaSoles are one of a kind, the author can express a exclamatory tone towards his product when he says you have to get them. Although he doesn't use much exclamatory language, his convincing tone is what really persuades his audience. Presented by the author, “Released less than a week ago, the $19.95 insoles are already proving popular among consumer, who are hailing them as a welcome alternative…” A convincing tone towards the audience is shown when the author states that they can cure your foot pain 100%. In conclusion, the tone that the author uses entertains listeners with his exclamatory and convincing

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